Karachi Heatwave: Over 500 Deaths Blamed on Power Outages by K-Electric

Karachi Heatwave: Over 500 Deaths Blamed on Power Outages by K-Electric

Karachi Heatwave: Over 500 Deaths Blamed on Power Outages by K-Electric

In Karachi, Pakistan, over 500 people died last month due to an extreme heatwave, according to ARY News. Following these deaths, the session court issued a notice to the power production company, K-Electric, and others.

An application was filed in the Sessions Court to file a case against K-Electric for the deaths. The petitioner claimed that K-Electric ‘intentionally’ caused power outages lasting 10 to 16 hours, which contributed to the deaths. The police reportedly refused to register a case against the company.

The Sindh High Court (SHC) issued notices to the SSP Complaint Cell South, SHO Preedy police station, and K-Electric, asking them to respond by July 30. Earlier this month, Jinnah Hospital reported more than 200 heat-stroke cases during Muharram processions in Karachi.

Karachi experienced temperatures soaring to 40°C, with the Meteorological Department reporting a humidity level of 53%. The maximum temperature recorded this year was 42°C.

Doubts Revealed

Karachi -: Karachi is a big city in Pakistan, which is a country next to India.

Heatwave -: A heatwave is a period of very hot weather that can make people sick or even cause death if it lasts too long.

Power Outages -: Power outages mean that the electricity goes off, so people can’t use fans, air conditioners, or other electric things.

K-Electric -: K-Electric is the company that provides electricity to the people living in Karachi.

Sessions Court -: A Sessions Court is a type of court in Pakistan where serious cases are heard and decided.

Sindh High Court -: The Sindh High Court is a higher court in the Sindh province of Pakistan, which can make important legal decisions.

Humidity -: Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. High humidity makes it feel hotter and can make it hard to cool down.

Jinnah Hospital -: Jinnah Hospital is a big hospital in Karachi where many people go to get treated when they are sick.

Heat-stroke -: Heat-stroke is a serious condition where the body gets too hot and can’t cool down, which can be very dangerous.

Muharram processions -: Muharram processions are special events where people walk together to remember important religious events in Islam.

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