Kamala Harris Gains Support from Indian-American Community After Biden’s Exit

Kamala Harris Gains Support from Indian-American Community After Biden’s Exit

Kamala Harris Gains Support from Indian-American Community After Biden’s Exit

After President Joe Biden’s unexpected decision not to run for re-election, Vice President Kamala Harris is receiving strong support from the Indian-American community. Political scientist Karthick Ramakrishnan, a researcher at the University of California, Berkeley and founder of AAPI Data, notes that Harris, whose mother was Indian, could see increased voter turnout and donations from Indian-Americans.

Harris has already secured endorsements from key Democratic figures such as Rep Pramila Jayapal, Rep Nanette Barragan, and Rep Ann McLane Kuster. Harris expressed her gratitude for Biden’s endorsement and stated her intention to earn and win the nomination.

Indian-Americans, who are a small but affluent and influential voter base, traditionally lean Democratic. Ramakrishnan believes that Harris’s candidacy will energize the community, leading to higher voter turnout and increased political contributions. He also noted that while Republicans may try to gain support from the Indian-American community, Harris’s favorability among this group gives her a strong advantage.

In recent elections, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) have shown significant increases in voter turnout. With Harris on the ticket, this trend is expected to continue, making the Indian-American vote crucial in closely contested states.

Doubts Revealed

Kamala Harris -: Kamala Harris is the Vice President of the United States. Her mother was from India, which makes her part Indian.

Joe Biden -: Joe Biden is the current President of the United States. He decided not to run for re-election, which means he won’t try to be President again.

Indian-American -: Indian-Americans are people who live in the United States but have family roots in India.

Political scientist -: A political scientist is someone who studies how governments work and how people vote and make political decisions.

Karthick Ramakrishnan -: Karthick Ramakrishnan is a person who studies politics and has talked about how Kamala Harris might get more support from Indian-Americans.

Endorsements -: Endorsements are when important people or groups say they support someone, like Kamala Harris, for a job or election.

Democratic -: The Democratic Party is one of the two main political parties in the United States. It usually supports ideas like helping people with government programs.

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