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Justice Sanjay Karol and FICCI-CASCADE Highlight the Impact of Smuggling and Counterfeiting in India

Justice Sanjay Karol and FICCI-CASCADE Highlight the Impact of Smuggling and Counterfeiting in India

Justice Sanjay Karol and FICCI-CASCADE Highlight the Impact of Smuggling and Counterfeiting in India

New Delhi, India – Justice Sanjay Karol, a Judge of the Supreme Court of India, spoke about the serious effects of smuggling and counterfeiting on India’s economy and society. This was during the closing speech at the 10th edition of the Movement Against Smuggling and Counterfeit Trade Activities Destroying Economy (MASCRADE), organized by FICCI-CASCADE.

The two-day conference ended with calls for stronger teamwork and new technology to fight illegal trade. Justice Karol explained how smuggling and counterfeiting hurt the country’s economic stability, social security, and integrity. He said, “Smuggling and counterfeiting continue to jeopardize economic stability, social security, and integrity of the nation. Smuggling and counterfeiting often lurk undetected amidst a host of other economic and social problems but continue to erode substantial portions of legitimate businesses, resulting in substantial economic and social damages.”

Justice Karol also talked about the important role of technology in fighting these illegal activities and called for better cooperation between states. He mentioned, “Utilizing QR codes will help safeguard consumers and address the issues of smuggling and counterfeiting. Social media intermediaries also play a crucial role in this fight. We must strengthen our inter-state collaborations, and I am pleased to note that over the past ten years, these collaborations have been solidified at the international level.”

Justice Navin Chawla, a Judge of the Delhi High Court, pointed out the huge economic losses caused by these activities. He said, “Smuggling and counterfeiting affect the day-to-day lives of citizens in various ways. These activities constitute a USD 2 trillion shadow economy, resulting in significant economic losses for the nation.” He added, “This menace needs to be addressed uniformly by the legislature, judiciary, and executive. I assure you that all three branches are doing everything possible to combat this issue.”

Dr. Anju Rathi Rana, Additional Secretary of the Ministry of Law and Justice, shared similar concerns. She said that illegal trade, including drug trafficking, smuggling, counterfeiting, and human trafficking, makes up 5% of the global GDP, according to the UN. She stated, “Illicit trade encompasses a wide range of activities like drug trafficking, smuggling, counterfeiting, and human trafficking. According to UN, these activities account for 5% of global GDP, which is an alarming figure and calls for immediate action.”

Dr. Rana emphasized that India needs a comprehensive set of strategies to fight illegal trade. These strategies should focus on raising public awareness and creating joint task forces for coordinated action against those involved in illegal trade.

Doubts Revealed

Justice Sanjay Karol -: Justice Sanjay Karol is a judge in the Supreme Court of India, which is the highest court in the country.

FICCI-CASCADE -: FICCI-CASCADE stands for the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry – Committee Against Smuggling and Counterfeiting Activities Destroying the Economy. It’s a group that works to stop illegal trade.

Smuggling -: Smuggling is when people secretly bring goods into or out of a country without paying taxes or following the law.

Counterfeiting -: Counterfeiting is making fake copies of products, like money or branded items, to trick people into thinking they are real.

MASCRADE conference -: MASCRADE stands for Movement Against Smuggling and Counterfeit Trade. It’s a meeting where experts discuss how to stop illegal trade.

Justice Navin Chawla -: Justice Navin Chawla is another judge who works in the Indian judiciary system, helping to make important legal decisions.

Dr. Anju Rathi Rana -: Dr. Anju Rathi Rana is an expert who talks about the problems caused by illegal trade and how it affects the economy.

Technological solutions -: Technological solutions are new tools or methods using technology, like computers or machines, to solve problems.

Inter-state cooperation -: Inter-state cooperation means different states in India working together to solve problems, like stopping illegal trade.

Illicit trade -: Illicit trade is the buying and selling of goods that are illegal or not allowed by law.
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