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Journalist Mohammed Arif Aajakia Calls Pakistan ‘Nursery of Terrorism’ at Geneva Seminar

Journalist Mohammed Arif Aajakia Calls Pakistan ‘Nursery of Terrorism’ at Geneva Seminar

Geneva Seminar Highlights Terrorism and Human Rights Issues

The Inter-Cultural and Inter-Religious Forum (ICIRF) and the International Centre Against Terrorism (ICAT) organized a seminar in Geneva, Switzerland, on Tuesday. The event brought together human rights defenders, social activists, and journalists to discuss counter-terrorism, violent extremism, and human rights challenges in Africa and Asia.

Mohammed Arif Aajakia’s Speech

Mohammed Arif Aajakia, a journalist based in London, spoke at the seminar. He accused Pakistan of being a ‘Nursery of Terrorism’ and claimed that the Pakistani military directs global terrorism. Aajakia pointed out that Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) played a key role in forming Al-Qaeda by uniting radical Islamist groups.

Examples of Terrorism

Aajakia mentioned that notorious terrorists like Osama Bin Laden, Abu Faraj al-Libbi, and Abu Zubaydah were found in Pakistan. He criticized the international community for partnering with Pakistan, stating, ‘To get rid of terrorism, get rid of Pakistan.’

Human Rights Violations in Sindh

Aajakia also highlighted human rights violations in Sindh, his homeland. He noted that Sindh contributes more than 50% of Pakistan’s revenue but lacks basic civic facilities and human rights. He questioned why the international community accepts Pakistan’s portrayal of Pakhtuns as terrorists when they are the biggest victims of terrorism.

Threats to Human Rights Defenders

Aajakia claimed that Pakistan’s military targets human rights defenders even after they seek asylum in other countries. He cited the case of Ahmad Waqass Goraya, a human rights defender who was targeted by ISI. The Dutch police informed the British police about a Pakistani individual who had come to Rotterdam to kill Goraya. The individual was arrested, and personal chats revealed that ISI had offered a substantial sum of money for the assassination.

Doubts Revealed

Geneva -: Geneva is a city in Switzerland, a country in Europe. It’s known for hosting many international meetings and organizations.

ICIRF -: ICIRF stands for International Commission for Investigating Religious Freedom. It’s a group that looks into how people are treated based on their religion.

ICAT -: ICAT stands for International Coalition Against Terrorism. It’s a group that works to stop terrorism around the world.

Counter-terrorism -: Counter-terrorism means actions taken to prevent or stop terrorism, which is when people use violence to scare others for political reasons.

Human rights -: Human rights are basic rights and freedoms that all people should have, like the right to live, be free, and be treated fairly.

Mohammed Arif Aajakia -: Mohammed Arif Aajakia is a journalist from London who talks about important issues like terrorism and human rights.

ISI -: ISI stands for Inter-Services Intelligence, which is Pakistan’s main spy agency. They gather information to protect the country.

Al-Qaeda -: Al-Qaeda is a terrorist group that has done many violent acts around the world. They are known for the 9/11 attacks in the USA.

Sindh -: Sindh is a province in Pakistan. It’s an area with its own culture and history.

Ahmad Waqass Goraya -: Ahmad Waqass Goraya is a human rights defender from Pakistan who speaks out against unfair treatment and has faced threats because of his work.
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