Joe Biden Says He is the Best Choice for President, Calls Trump a Liar

Joe Biden Says He is the Best Choice for President, Calls Trump a Liar

Joe Biden Says He is the Best Choice for President, Calls Trump a Liar

US President Joe Biden has declared that he is the most qualified person to be President and win the race. In an interview with ABC News, Biden called former President Donald Trump a ‘pathological liar’ and criticized his policies on the economy and healthcare.

Biden mentioned that Trump lied over 20 times during their debate and dismissed any suggestions that he is not the best candidate to beat Trump. He emphasized his qualifications and ability to lead, especially in international matters like NATO and relations with China.

During the interview with ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos, Biden reiterated his confidence in his ability to beat Trump and reflected on the importance of the upcoming years for the US and the world. He also candidly addressed his performance during the debate with Trump, describing it as a ‘bad episode’ and taking full responsibility for it.

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