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Joe Biden Criticizes Donald Trump’s Speech at Republican National Convention

Joe Biden Criticizes Donald Trump’s Speech at Republican National Convention

Joe Biden Criticizes Donald Trump’s Speech at Republican National Convention

On Friday, US President Joe Biden criticized former President Donald Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Biden, who is currently at home with COVID-19, shared his thoughts on social media platform X.

COVID-19 Response

Biden highlighted Trump’s claims about handling the COVID-19 pandemic. He pointed out that Trump once suggested injecting bleach as a treatment, while millions of Americans died from the virus.

“Let’s start with this. Donald said he ‘did a great job’ with COVID. Folks, this is the same guy who told us to inject bleach while over a million Americans died.”

Social Security and Medicare

Biden accused Trump of lying about protecting Social Security and Medicare, stating that Trump had proposed cuts to these programs during his presidency.

“Donald claimed he’s ‘going to protect Social Security and Medicare.’ This is a flat-out lie, folks. Trump proposed cutting Social Security and Medicare every year he was in office. And he’ll do it again.”

Economic Policies

Biden criticized Trump’s economic policies, including his Project 2025 agenda, which Biden claims would raise taxes on the middle class and cause more inflation. He also mentioned that Trump’s tax cuts benefited billionaires.

“He bragged about giving ‘the biggest tax cuts ever’ to his billionaire buddies. But the deal is that his Project 2025 agenda would raise taxes on the middle class.”

Immigration and Manufacturing

Biden condemned Trump’s plans for mass detention camps for immigrants and claimed that American manufacturing is thriving under his administration.

“He said he wants to throw immigrants into mass detention camps as part of his Project 2025 agenda. It’s despicable. Project 2025 is extreme and dangerous. And it’s not who we are as a nation.”

Electric Vehicles and Debt

Biden also addressed Trump’s comments on electric vehicles and the national debt, stating that there is no electric car mandate and that Trump’s policies would worsen the deficit.

“He said he’ll end the ‘electric vehicle mandate’ on day one. Donald, there is no electric car mandate. And American manufacturing is booming under my administration.”

Trump delivered his speech at the Republican National Convention on Friday.

Doubts Revealed

Joe Biden -: Joe Biden is the current President of the United States. He is a member of the Democratic Party.

Donald Trump -: Donald Trump is a former President of the United States. He is a member of the Republican Party.

Republican National Convention -: The Republican National Convention is a big meeting where members of the Republican Party gather to choose their candidate for President and discuss their plans.

COVID-19 -: COVID-19 is a disease caused by a virus that spread around the world, making many people sick. It started in 2019.

Social Security and Medicare -: Social Security and Medicare are programs in the US that help older people with money and healthcare.

economic policies -: Economic policies are plans made by the government to help the country’s economy, like creating jobs or controlling prices.

Project 2025 -: Project 2025 is a plan mentioned by Donald Trump that includes his ideas for the future if he becomes President again.

middle class -: The middle class is a group of people who are not very rich but also not very poor. They usually have regular jobs and can afford basic needs.

inflation -: Inflation is when the prices of things we buy go up, making money worth less than before.

mass detention camps -: Mass detention camps are places where a large number of people, like immigrants, are kept by the government.

electric vehicles -: Electric vehicles are cars or other vehicles that run on electricity instead of petrol or diesel.

national debt -: National debt is the total amount of money that a country’s government owes to others.
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