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Jeay Sindh Freedom Movement to Observe August 14 as Black Day in Sindh

Jeay Sindh Freedom Movement to Observe August 14 as Black Day in Sindh

Jeay Sindh Freedom Movement to Observe August 14 as Black Day in Sindh

Jeay Sindh Freedom Movement to observe August 14 as Black Day  (Photo/Jeay Sindh Freedom Movement)

Karachi, Pakistan – August 13: The Jeay Sindh Freedom Movement (JSFM) has announced plans to observe August 14, 2024, as Black Day across Sindh in protest against the creation of Pakistan on this day in 1947. The organisation has called on its workers to wear black armbands, hoist black flags at intersections, and display the national flag in an act of protest.

JSFM’s Chairman Sohail Abro, along with key members Zubair Sindhi, Amar Azadi, Sodho Sindhi, Hafeez Deshi, and Pireeh Sindhu, issued a statement condemning the formation of Pakistan, describing it as a ‘mistake of history’ and a ‘dark day for humanity.’ They argue that the creation of Pakistan based on the two-nation theory, which they believe was proven invalid with the independence of Bangladesh in 1971, has led to the subjugation of historical nations such as the Sindhi, Baloch, Saraiki, Gilgiti, Kashmiri, and Pashtun by what they describe as a ‘terrorist state’ dominated by the Punjabi military establishment.

According to the JSFM leadership, the people of Sindh and other regions are being oppressed economically, politically, and geographically, with their lands and resources being occupied by force. The movement asserts that the right to self-determination and freedom is their birthright, and they vow to continue their struggle until they achieve independence from Pakistan.

As August 14 approaches, the JSFM has also raised concerns about the ongoing raids, abductions, and disappearances of pro-independence political workers in Sindh, allegedly carried out by state agencies. The movement has appealed to international organisations, including the United Nations, Amnesty International, and various human rights groups, to support their cause for freedom and human rights.

JSFM’s planned observance of Black Day on August 14 is expected to be a significant demonstration of their continued resistance against the state of Pakistan.

Doubts Revealed

Jeay Sindh Freedom Movement (JSFM) -: JSFM is a group that wants freedom for the Sindh region from Pakistan. They believe Sindh should be an independent country.

August 14 -: August 14 is the day when Pakistan celebrates its Independence Day. It marks the creation of Pakistan in 1947.

Black Day -: Black Day is a day of protest. People wear black or do other things to show they are unhappy about something.

Sindh -: Sindh is a region in Pakistan. It has its own language and culture.

1947 -: 1947 is the year when India and Pakistan became two separate countries. Before that, they were one country under British rule.

Chairman Sohail Abro -: Sohail Abro is the leader of the JSFM. He speaks for the group and makes important decisions.

oppression -: Oppression means treating people unfairly and not giving them the same rights as others. It can include things like not letting them speak their language or practice their culture.

international support -: International support means getting help or approval from other countries around the world. JSFM wants other countries to agree with them and help their cause.

state-led raids and abductions -: State-led raids and abductions mean that the government is sending police or soldiers to take people away, often without a good reason. These people are usually those who speak out against the government.
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