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Javed Beigh Speaks at UN About Shia Muslim Persecution in Pakistan

Javed Beigh Speaks at UN About Shia Muslim Persecution in Pakistan

Javed Beigh Speaks at UN About Shia Muslim Persecution in Pakistan

Geneva, Switzerland – September 28: Javed Beigh, a political activist from Jammu & Kashmir, addressed the United Nations during the 57th Session of Human Rights in Geneva. He highlighted the ongoing persecution of Shia Muslims in Pakistan.

Violence in Parachinar City

Beigh explained that more than 50 Shia Muslims have been killed in Parachinar City, the capital of Kurram Agency in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa tribal province. This area is unique because it has a small community of Pashtuns from the Turi and Bangash tribes who follow Shia Islam. Due to this, Parachinar has been under constant attack from religious extremist organizations.

Land Dispute Escalation

Beigh mentioned a land dispute between two sects of Pashtun tribes in late July, which escalated into a violent campaign against Shia Pashtuns in Parachinar. This resulted in over four dozen deaths and injuries to more than 200 people.

Government’s Role

Beigh accused the Pakistani government of downplaying the violence by describing it as a tribal fight. He claimed that the local police and administration in Parachinar are not stopping the violence and are tacitly supporting extremists targeting Shias. He urged the world to take notice of the continuing persecution of Shias in Pakistan.

Doubts Revealed

Javed Beigh -: Javed Beigh is a person who works to bring attention to important issues. He is from Jammu & Kashmir, a region in India.

UN -: UN stands for the United Nations. It is an organization where countries come together to discuss and solve global problems.

Shia Muslim -: Shia Muslims are a group of people who follow a particular branch of Islam. They have different beliefs and practices compared to other Muslims called Sunnis.

Persecution -: Persecution means treating someone very badly because of their religion, race, or beliefs. In this case, Shia Muslims are being treated badly in Pakistan.

Pakistan -: Pakistan is a country that is next to India. It has many different groups of people, including Shia Muslims.

Jammu & Kashmir -: Jammu & Kashmir is a region in India. It has a lot of mountains and is known for its beautiful scenery.

United Nations -: The United Nations is a group of countries that work together to make the world a better place. They talk about important issues like human rights and peace.

57th Session of Human Rights -: This is a meeting held by the United Nations where they talk about human rights, which are the basic rights and freedoms that everyone should have.

Geneva -: Geneva is a city in Switzerland where many important international meetings take place, including those of the United Nations.

Sectarian violence -: Sectarian violence is fighting between different groups of people who have different religious beliefs. In this case, it is between Shia Muslims and other groups in Pakistan.

Parachinar City -: Parachinar City is a place in Pakistan where many Shia Muslims live. It has been affected by violence against Shia Muslims.

Extremists -: Extremists are people who have very strong and sometimes dangerous beliefs. They often use violence to try to make others follow their beliefs.
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