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Jamil Maqsood of UKPNP Calls for International Action on Human Rights Abuses in PoJK

Jamil Maqsood of UKPNP Calls for International Action on Human Rights Abuses in PoJK

Jamil Maqsood of UKPNP Calls for International Action on Human Rights Abuses in PoJK

President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of UKPNP Jamil Maqsood

Brussels, Belgium, August 30: Jamil Maqsood, President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the United Kashmir People’s National Party (UKPNP), has expressed serious concerns about ongoing human rights abuses in Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK). He has called for international human rights organizations to intervene and hold Pakistan accountable for these violations.

Maqsood stated that Pakistani authorities in PoJK are engaging in unlawful activities, particularly through intelligence services and security forces. These activities include the misuse of blasphemy laws to suppress dissent and target activists, leading to involuntary disappearances and illegal detentions.

He urged international organizations, such as the United Nations Human Rights Council and the European Parliament, to address these abuses and press for the release of detained activists. He also called on the diplomatic community in Islamabad to use their influence to protect basic human rights in the region.

The UKPNP has frequently highlighted human rights violations in PoJK. At a recent convention in Kotli, UKPNP leader Sajid Hussain accused the Pakistani administration of orchestrating genocides in various regions, including PoJK. He emphasized the need for peaceful protests to achieve their goals and vowed to continue their struggle for rights, equality, freedom, and democracy.

Hussain stated, “We will keep raising our voices for our rights, for equality, freedom, and the establishment of democracy. Our struggle will continue to be peaceful and diplomatic.” He added that their protests are not limited to the UN or UK Parliament but are diversified to several other locations.

Doubts Revealed

Jamil Maqsood -: Jamil Maqsood is a person who is concerned about human rights. He is part of a group that looks after foreign affairs for UKPNP.

UKPNP -: UKPNP stands for United Kashmir People’s National Party. It is a group that works for the rights of people in Kashmir.

Human Rights Abuses -: Human rights abuses mean treating people very badly and unfairly. It includes things like hurting people, putting them in jail without a reason, and not letting them speak freely.

PoJK -: PoJK stands for Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir. It is a region that is controlled by Pakistan but is also claimed by India.

International Action -: International action means getting help from other countries or global organizations to solve a problem.

Blasphemy Laws -: Blasphemy laws are rules that punish people for saying or doing things that are considered disrespectful to religious beliefs.

Illegal Detentions -: Illegal detentions mean putting people in jail without a proper reason or without following the law.

Sajid Hussain -: Sajid Hussain is another leader in UKPNP who is also worried about the bad treatment of people in PoJK.

Peaceful Protests -: Peaceful protests are when people gather to show they are unhappy about something, but they do it without fighting or causing trouble.

Global Organizations -: Global organizations are big groups that work across many countries to solve problems, like the United Nations.
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