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Jamil Maqsood Condemns Kidnappings in Pakistan, Calls for International Action

Jamil Maqsood Condemns Kidnappings in Pakistan, Calls for International Action

Jamil Maqsood Condemns Kidnappings in Pakistan, Calls for International Action

Brussels [Belgium], September 15: Activists worldwide are raising concerns about the increasing number of abductions in Pakistan, especially involving minors. This situation highlights severe human rights issues in the country.

Strong Condemnation by Jamil Maqsood

Jamil Maqsood, President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the United Kashmir People’s National Party (UKPNP), released a press statement condemning these kidnappings. He accused Pakistani intelligence agencies of being behind these abductions, particularly in Rawalpindi.

Maqsood stated, “Numerous children from various areas of Rawalpindi have been abducted in recent months and years, a horrifying reality that has once again exposed the depths of Pakistan’s human rights violations, particularly under its oppressive occupation.”

Call for Immediate Action

Maqsood urged for the immediate cessation of these criminal activities and the unconditional release of all abducted children. He emphasized that these actions are a grave violation of human rights and international law.

He highlighted specific cases, including the kidnapping of Saad Haroon, son of Raja Yousaf Haroon, an Additional Session Judge in PoJK; Tabish Zafar, a three-year-old boy from Kahuta; and Arslan Zubar from Rawalakot, who was kidnapped from Islamabad.

International Intervention Needed

Maqsood called for international intervention to protect the children and safeguard the basic human rights of Kashmiris. He urged the international community, including the United Nations and human rights organizations, to investigate these kidnappings and hold Pakistan accountable.

He also stressed the importance of allowing international human rights observers into these regions to ensure the safe return of the kidnapped children and prevent future incidents.

“Pakistan must be held to account under international law for its actions, and the international community must stand with us in demanding justice,” Maqsood added.

Doubts Revealed

Jamil Maqsood -: Jamil Maqsood is a person who is very active in speaking out about issues. He is the President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the United Kashmir People’s National Party.

Kidnappings -: Kidnappings mean taking someone away by force, usually to demand something in return. In this case, it is about children being taken away in Pakistan.

Pakistan -: Pakistan is a country in South Asia, next to India. It has many different regions and sometimes faces problems like kidnappings.

International Action -: International action means getting help or support from other countries around the world to solve a problem.

Activists -: Activists are people who work hard to bring attention to important issues and try to make changes in society.

Minors -: Minors are children or young people who are not yet adults. In this context, it means kids who are being kidnapped.

Foreign Affairs Committee -: A Foreign Affairs Committee is a group of people who focus on relationships and issues between different countries.

United Kashmir People’s National Party -: This is a political group that works for the rights and interests of people in the Kashmir region.

Intelligence Agencies -: Intelligence agencies are organizations that gather information, often secretly, to protect a country. In this case, they are being accused of being involved in the kidnappings.

International Intervention -: International intervention means other countries stepping in to help solve a problem.

Human Rights Observers -: Human rights observers are people who watch and report on whether people’s basic rights are being respected.
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