Israel’s Energy Systems Ready for Any Situation, Says Ministry

Israel’s Energy Systems Ready for Any Situation, Says Ministry

Israel’s Energy Systems Ready for Any Situation, Says Ministry

Tel Aviv, Israel – June 21: Israel’s Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure has assured the public that the country’s energy systems are robust and ready to handle all possible scenarios, including war. This means people need not worry about power cuts.

The Ministry stated that since the beginning of the war against Hamas terrorists in Gaza, it has worked tirelessly to ensure the supply of energy to all citizens of the country, while carefully preparing for extreme scenarios and possible supply disruptions. These efforts are carried out in close cooperation with the security authorities to manage electricity demand, energy surplus, and fuel stocks.

Several possible scenarios exist, such as an ‘outage’ scenario in which over 60 percent of households may be left without electricity for up to 72 hours in an extreme situation. However, the Ministry said the probability of this is low.

The Ministry of Energy called on the citizens of Israel to prepare according to the directives of the Israel Defense Forces’ Home Front Command, including equipping themselves with batteries, water, and portable chargers, to ensure maximum preparedness in emergencies.

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