Israeli Soldier Mahmood Amaria Killed in Hezbollah Attack

Israeli Soldier Mahmood Amaria Killed in Hezbollah Attack

Israeli Soldier Mahmood Amaria Killed in Hezbollah Attack

An Israeli Bedouin soldier, Warrant Officer Mahmood Amaria, was killed in a Hezbollah drone attack in western Galilee, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced. Mahmood Amaria, 45, hailed from the Bedouin town of Ibtin. The attack, which occurred on Monday morning, also left another soldier with serious injuries.

Due to the ongoing Hezbollah attacks, nearly 80,000 Israelis have been forced to evacuate their homes near the Lebanon border. These attacks, which began in October, have resulted in the deaths of 26 civilians and 19 soldiers on the Israeli side. Hezbollah leaders have stated that they will continue the attacks to prevent Israelis from returning to their homes.

Israeli officials are calling for Hezbollah to be disarmed and removed from southern Lebanon in accordance with UN Security Council resolution 1701, which ended the 2006 Second Lebanon War.

Doubts Revealed

Israeli Bedouin -: Bedouins are a group of nomadic people who traditionally live in the desert regions of the Middle East, including Israel. They have their own unique culture and lifestyle.

Hezbollah -: Hezbollah is a political and militant group based in Lebanon. They often have conflicts with Israel.

Drone attack -: A drone is a flying machine that can be controlled remotely. In this case, it was used to attack, which means it was carrying weapons.

Western Galilee -: Western Galilee is a region in the northern part of Israel, near the border with Lebanon.

Evacuated -: Evacuated means people had to leave their homes to go to a safer place because of danger.

UN Security Council resolution 1701 -: This is a decision made by the United Nations to try to stop fighting between Israel and Hezbollah and to make sure Hezbollah does not have weapons.

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