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Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Speech at US Congress Amid Tight Security and Protests

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Speech at US Congress Amid Tight Security and Protests

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Speech at US Congress Amid Tight Security and Protests

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to address the US Congress, prompting tight security measures around Capitol Hill. Law enforcement agents have restricted access, blocking traffic and turning away pedestrians and vehicles.

A small group of protesters gathered outside the Washington Hebrew Congregation, where Netanyahu attended a memorial service for former US Senator Joe Lieberman, who passed away in March. The protesters wore T-shirts with messages opposing arming Israel.

Netanyahu’s visit has led to additional security measures around the Capitol building and the Watergate Hotel, where he is staying. This address will make Netanyahu the leader with the most speeches to a joint session of the US Congress, surpassing Winston Churchill.

At least nine senators and dozens of House members, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Bernie Sanders, and Senate President Pro Tempore Patty Murray, plan to boycott Netanyahu’s speech, citing Israeli actions in Gaza and his leadership.

Netanyahu arrived in Washington on Monday, following US President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign announcement. Biden is expected to address the nation on Wednesday night, just hours after Netanyahu’s speech. Former President Donald Trump is scheduled to meet with Netanyahu in Florida on Friday.

The conflict in Gaza escalated after an October 7 attack by Hamas, leading to casualties and hostages. Israel’s offensive aims to target Hamas’ infrastructure while minimizing civilian casualties.

Doubts Revealed

Israeli Prime Minister -: The Prime Minister is the leader of the government in Israel, similar to the Prime Minister of India.

Netanyahu -: Benjamin Netanyahu is the current Prime Minister of Israel, a country in the Middle East.

US Congress -: The US Congress is like the Parliament of India, where laws are made. It has two parts: the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Capitol Hill -: Capitol Hill is a place in Washington, D.C., where the US Congress meets to make laws.

Washington Hebrew Congregation -: This is a Jewish place of worship in Washington, D.C., similar to a temple in India.

Joe Lieberman -: Joe Lieberman was a US Senator, which is like a Member of Parliament in India. He was an important politician in the US.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -: She is a young and popular US Congresswoman, similar to a Member of Parliament in India.

Bernie Sanders -: Bernie Sanders is a US Senator known for his progressive ideas, similar to a senior politician in India.

boycott -: To boycott means to refuse to participate in something as a way to protest or show disapproval.

Gaza -: Gaza is a small region in the Middle East where there has been a lot of conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.

Joe Biden -: Joe Biden is the current President of the United States, similar to the President of India.

re-election campaign -: A re-election campaign is when a current leader tries to get elected again for another term.

Donald Trump -: Donald Trump is a former President of the United States, similar to a former President of India.
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