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India’s S Jaishankar Talks About Tense Relations with China and Quad’s New Maritime Dialogue

India’s S Jaishankar Talks About Tense Relations with China and Quad’s New Maritime Dialogue

India’s S Jaishankar Talks About Tense Relations with China and Quad’s New Maritime Dialogue

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar highlighted the strained relations between India and China, noting that the relationship is not normal due to border tensions that began in 2020. He explained that China brought large forces to the border areas during the COVID-19 pandemic, violating agreements and causing clashes.

Jaishankar stated, “Our relations with China are not doing very well, the main reason for that is in 2020, during the COVID, China brought very large forces to the border areas between India and China in violation of agreements that we had with China and that created tensions which led to a clash, people died on both sides.”

He added that the issue remains unresolved and emphasized the need for China to respect the Line of Control (LOC) and past agreements for better relations.

In a related development, India, Australia, Japan, and the US announced a new “Quad maritime legal dialogue” under the Quad Maritime Security Working Group. This initiative aims to uphold international maritime law and support regional stability in the Indo-Pacific.

The Quad Foreign Ministers Meeting joint statement emphasized the importance of international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and the need for peaceful resolution of maritime disputes. The countries pledged to maintain freedom of navigation and overflight, and unimpeded commerce in accordance with international law.

Since May 2020, both Indian and Chinese troops have been stationed in forward positions near Patrolling Point 15 in eastern Ladakh, following the Galwan clash. Over 50,000 Indian soldiers remain deployed with advanced weapons to prevent any unilateral changes to the status quo along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

Doubts Revealed

S Jaishankar -: S Jaishankar is India’s External Affairs Minister, which means he is responsible for managing India’s relationships with other countries.

China -: China is a large country in Asia, and it shares a long border with India. Sometimes, there are disagreements and tensions between the two countries.

Quad -: Quad stands for Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, which is a group of four countries: India, Australia, Japan, and the United States. They work together on security and other important issues.

Maritime Dialogue -: Maritime Dialogue means discussions and cooperation related to the sea and ocean. It includes topics like laws, safety, and security on the water.

International Maritime Law -: International Maritime Law is a set of rules and agreements that countries follow to ensure safe and fair use of the world’s oceans and seas.

Indo-Pacific -: Indo-Pacific is a region that includes the Indian Ocean and the western and central Pacific Ocean. It is important for trade and security.
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