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India’s Immunization Success: High Coverage and Global Recognition

India’s Immunization Success: High Coverage and Global Recognition

India’s Immunization Success: High Coverage and Global Recognition

New Delhi, India – July 18: Recent media reports have suggested that India has a high number of ‘zero dose children’ who have not received any vaccines. However, the Union Health Ministry has clarified that these reports do not provide a complete picture. They fail to consider the population base and immunization coverage of the countries compared.

According to the Ministry, India has a high immunization coverage for most vaccines, comparable to high-income countries like New Zealand, Germany, and Sweden. For example, India’s coverage for the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) is 83%, much higher than the global average of 65%.

India’s Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) is the largest public health initiative, targeting 2.6 crore children and 2.9 crore pregnant women annually. The Full Immunization Coverage for FY 2023-24 stands at 93.23% nationally. The country has also achieved a significant reduction in the Under-5 Mortality Rate, from 45 per 1000 live births in 2014 to 32 per 1000 live births in 2020.

Since 2014, India has introduced six new vaccines under the UIP and conducted 12 phases of Mission Indradhanush, vaccinating 5.46 crore children and 1.32 crore pregnant women. These efforts have reduced the number of zero dose children by 34% between 2014 and 2023.

India’s high immunization coverage has also led to 13 years of polio-free status. The country has been recognized for its efforts to combat Measles and Rubella, receiving the Measles and Rubella Champion Award in 2024.

Doubts Revealed

Union Health Ministry -: The Union Health Ministry is a part of the Indian government that takes care of health-related issues and policies in the country.

zero dose children -: Zero dose children are kids who have not received any vaccines. Vaccines help protect them from diseases.

high-income countries -: High-income countries are rich countries where people generally have more money and better access to healthcare.

Universal Immunization Programme -: The Universal Immunization Programme is a big plan by the Indian government to give vaccines to children and pregnant women to keep them healthy.

FY 2023-24 -: FY 2023-24 stands for the financial year 2023-2024, which is a period used for budgeting and financial planning.

Mission Indradhanush -: Mission Indradhanush is a special campaign by the Indian government to make sure all children get their vaccines on time.

polio-free status -: Polio-free status means that India has not had any new cases of polio, a serious disease, for many years.

Measles and Rubella Champion Award -: The Measles and Rubella Champion Award is a special prize given to India for doing a great job in fighting measles and rubella, which are diseases that can make people very sick.
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