India’s Coal Production Grows by 10.70% in 2024-25, Boosting Energy Sector

India’s Coal Production Grows by 10.70% in 2024-25, Boosting Energy Sector

India’s Coal Production Grows by 10.70% in 2024-25, Boosting Energy Sector

New Delhi [India], July 24: In a significant boost to the country’s energy sector, coal production has demonstrated a robust year-on-year growth of 10.70% for the fiscal year 2024-25. According to a statement, the Ministry of Coal, in alignment with the Prime Minister’s directive to adopt a unified approach and dismantle operational silos, has been working closely with the Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Power, and other relevant departments to ensure a steady and affordable supply of coal for both regulated and non-regulated sectors including steel, cement, paper, and sponge iron.

For the fiscal year 2024-25, the Ministry of Coal has set a lofty target of 1,080 million tonnes (MT) for coal production. As of July 19, 2024, production has reached 294.20 MT, demonstrating a strong year-on-year growth of 10.70% compared to 265.77 MT during the same period last year. This upward trend highlights the Ministry’s dedication to fulfilling the energy needs of various sectors while emphasizing sustainable economic development.

In terms of coal dispatch, the Ministry has successfully sent out 311.48 MT of coal as of July 19, 2024, marking an 8.49% increase from the 287.12 MT dispatched in the previous year. This boost in dispatch supports the operational requirements of essential industries and enhances the stability of the energy market.

The Ministry remains committed to ensuring that coal remains affordable and accessible across all sectors, reinforcing the nation’s commitment to economic growth and development. By maintaining a consistent and reliable coal supply, the Ministry aims to bolster the country’s energy security and support crucial economic sectors. Through these strategic efforts, the Ministry of Coal is set to play a key role in advancing India’s economic progress, ensuring that the coal supply remains both sufficient and cost-effective for dependent industries.

Doubts Revealed

Coal Production -: Coal production means the process of mining coal from the ground. Coal is a black or brownish-black rock that is burned to produce energy.

Fiscal Year -: A fiscal year is a one-year period that companies and governments use for financial reporting and budgeting. In India, it starts on April 1 and ends on March 31 of the next year.

Ministry of Coal -: The Ministry of Coal is a part of the Indian government responsible for managing the production and supply of coal in the country.

Tonnes -: Tonnes are a unit of weight. One tonne is equal to 1,000 kilograms. It is used to measure large quantities, like coal.

Energy Sector -: The energy sector includes all the industries involved in producing and supplying energy, like electricity and fuel, which are essential for running machines, homes, and factories.

Coal Dispatch -: Coal dispatch means the process of sending out coal from mines to places where it is needed, like power plants and factories.

Energy Security -: Energy security means having a reliable and affordable supply of energy, so that homes, businesses, and industries can function smoothly without interruptions.

Economic Growth -: Economic growth means an increase in the production of goods and services in a country, which leads to more jobs, higher incomes, and better living standards for people.

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