Indian Ambassadors Warn About Dangerous Job Scams in Myanmar

Indian Ambassadors Warn About Dangerous Job Scams in Myanmar

Indian Ambassadors Warn About Dangerous Job Scams in Myanmar

The situation in Myanmar is causing problems for neighboring countries like India and Thailand. Rebel groups are fighting against the Myanmar Military Junta, making some areas uncontrollable by the central government. One such area is Myawaddy, which has become a hotspot for criminal activities like cyber fraud and illegal gambling.

Indian Ambassador to Thailand, Nagesh Singh, expressed concerns about the growing crisis. He mentioned that Chinese mafia groups are running online scams and human trafficking in these lawless regions. Singh highlighted the plight of people from various countries, including India, who are tricked into coming to Myanmar with false job promises and then forced into modern-day slavery.

Thailand’s visa-free travel for Indians has made it easier for shady agents to lure young people with fake IT job offers. Once they arrive, they are taken to Myanmar to work for criminal syndicates. Singh revealed that the Indian government has managed to rescue about 320 Indians in the last two years but many are still trapped.

Another troubled area is the Golden Triangle, where Myanmar borders Thailand and Laos. Criminal groups operate freely here, scamming people out of billions of dollars. In March, 19 Indians were rescued from this region. Indian Ambassador to Laos, Prashant Agarwal, advised Indian youth to be very cautious about job offers in this area and to contact the Indian Embassy to verify the legitimacy of such offers.

With the ASEAN bloc appointing a special envoy to Myanmar, there is hope for a solution. Meanwhile, diplomats are working hard to keep people informed about these dangerous job scams.

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