India Sets Wheat Stock Limits to Ensure Food Security Until March 2025

India Sets Wheat Stock Limits to Ensure Food Security Until March 2025

India Sets Wheat Stock Limits to Ensure Food Security Until March 2025

The Indian government has imposed a stock limit on wheat until March 31, 2025, to ensure food security and prevent hoarding. The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution announced the new limits:

Entity Stock Limit
Traders and Wholesalers 3000 metric tons (MT)
Retailers 10 MT per outlet
Big Chain Retailers 10 MT per outlet, 3000 MT across all depots
Processors 70% of Monthly Installed Capacity (MIC) multiplied by remaining months of fiscal year 2024-25

The Ministry explained that this move aims to manage overall food security and prevent hoarding and unscrupulous speculation. Entities must declare their stock positions and update them regularly on the Department of Food and Public Distribution’s portal. If stocks exceed the prescribed limits, entities must reduce them within 30 days of the notification’s issuance. This measure aims to create a more transparent and equitable food distribution system, securing the interests of the common man and maintaining market stability.

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