India Leads SCO and G20 in 2023: Strengthening Ties with Central Asia

India Leads SCO and G20 in 2023: Strengthening Ties with Central Asia

India Leads SCO and G20 in 2023: Strengthening Ties with Central Asia

In 2023, India took on the leadership of two major international groups: the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and the G20. On July 4, 2023, India hosted the 22nd Summit of the SCO Council of Heads of State virtually, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This was India’s first time leading the SCO, highlighting its goal to build stronger connections with the five Central Asian countries.

India’s chairmanship came during a time of global challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. These events have disrupted global politics, giving India a chance to guide discussions on important issues affecting Eurasia and beyond.

Strengthening relations with Central Asia, a region of great strategic importance and part of India’s ‘extended neighborhood,’ was a key goal for Indian leaders. Through the SCO, India aimed to promote cooperation with Central Asian republics, improve connectivity, boost trade, and enhance regional security.

India became a full member of the SCO in 2017, alongside Pakistan, after holding Observer Status since 2005. India started the process for full membership in 2015, aligning with its global engagement efforts and a strategic push to strengthen ties with Central Asia.

India’s motivations for joining the SCO included improving connectivity between Central and South Asia, promoting energy security, and fighting terrorism and illegal drug trade. The SCO has helped maintain political stability in Central Asia, align the interests of major powers, and curb terrorism, separatism, and radicalism.

India’s entry into the SCO has changed the organization’s dynamics, making it more than just a coalition of authoritarian states. Russia and Central Asian states supported India’s inclusion, seeing it as a stabilizer and potential investor. However, ongoing border conflicts with China and Pakistan pose challenges.

Currently, India focuses on collaborative goals within the SCO, avoiding confrontation. As India’s involvement in Central Asia deepens, its role in the SCO is expected to grow.

The SCO is important for India as it aligns with its strategy of multi-alignment and complements its participation in other groups like BRICS. Stability in Central Asia is crucial for India’s security, and without SCO membership, India’s engagement with the region would be limited.

India’s membership in the SCO also helps balance China’s influence in the region. Central Asian states are eager to strengthen economic ties with India, making it important for New Delhi to prioritize involvement in regional projects.

In recent years, India has pushed for connectivity projects, coinciding with its SCO membership. For example, during the 2022 Samarkand Summit in Uzbekistan, Prime Minister Modi discussed accelerating projects like the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) and the Chabahar Project.

India has also used the SCO platform to address regional security issues, especially terrorism from Afghanistan. Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan, which share borders with Afghanistan, are key stakeholders in regional stability. The SCO needs to counter threats like ISIS emerging from Afghanistan.

India’s active role in the SCO shows its commitment to regional stability, connectivity, and economic cooperation in Eurasia. As India’s role in the SCO evolves, its influence in Central Asia is expected to grow, aligning with its broader strategic goals.

(Dr. Chandan Kumar, Ph.D. in Buddhist History, is an Assistant Professor at Satyawati College, University of Delhi).

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