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India and Egypt Discuss Trade and Investment at Joint Trade Committee Meeting in Delhi

India and Egypt Discuss Trade and Investment at Joint Trade Committee Meeting in Delhi

India and Egypt Discuss Trade and Investment at Joint Trade Committee Meeting in Delhi

New Delhi, India – India and Egypt have identified several areas to enhance cooperation in trade and investment. These areas include the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCEZ), pharmaceuticals, health sector, gems and jewellery, engineering goods, IT services, electronics manufacturing, and more.

The sixth session of the India-Egypt Joint Trade Committee (JTC) was held in New Delhi from September 16-17. The meeting was co-chaired by Priya P Nair, Economic Adviser, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and Yahya Elwathik Bellah, Deputy Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade and Chairman of the Egyptian Commercial Service.

The Egyptian delegation was accompanied by the Egyptian Ambassador to India, Wael Mohamed Awad Hamed, and eight delegates from relevant ministries. During the meeting, India announced that necessary approvals for signing an MoU between the National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) of India and the MSME Development Agency (MSMEDA) of Egypt had been obtained.

Both sides expressed their desire for an early signing and operationalisation of the MoU. They also discussed market access issues on agricultural products and agreed to resolve these issues as soon as possible.

India and Egypt agreed to address all issues impeding bilateral trade and to facilitate trade promotion between the two countries. The next meeting of the Joint Trade Committee is scheduled for 2026 in Egypt.

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry stated that the deliberations were cordial and forward-looking, reflecting the special relations between the two countries. There was a positive response towards greater cooperation, addressing pending issues, and increasing trade and investment.

Doubts Revealed

Joint Trade Committee -: A group of people from two countries who meet to talk about buying and selling things between their countries.

New Delhi -: The capital city of India where important meetings and government work happen.

Suez Canal Economic Zone -: A special area in Egypt near the Suez Canal where businesses get special benefits to help them grow.

pharmaceuticals -: Medicines and drugs that help people get better when they are sick.

IT services -: Jobs and work related to computers and technology, like making software or fixing computer problems.

market access issues -: Problems that make it hard for one country to sell its products in another country.

MoU -: A document where two groups agree to work together on something.

NSIC -: National Small Industries Corporation, an Indian organization that helps small businesses grow.

MSMEDA -: Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Development Agency, an Egyptian organization that helps small businesses grow.
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