India and Australia Strengthen Maritime Security in Canberra Meeting

India and Australia Strengthen Maritime Security in Canberra Meeting

India and Australia Strengthen Maritime Security in Canberra Meeting

New Delhi [India], August 13: India and Australia are working together to improve maritime security in the Indian Ocean region. The 6th Australia-India Maritime Dialogue was held in Canberra, with Australia’s envoy to India, Philip Green, highlighting the importance of this cooperation.

Key Participants

The Indian delegation was led by Muanpuii Saiawi, Joint Secretary, Disarmament and International Security Affairs, Ministry of External Affairs. The Australian delegation was led by Sarah Storey, First Assistant Secretary, South Asia and Central Asia Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Bernard Philip, First Assistant Secretary, International Policy, Department of Defence.

Discussion Topics

During the dialogue, both sides discussed ways to maintain a safe and secure maritime environment. They exchanged views on:

  • Maritime security in the Indo-Pacific region
  • Maritime domain awareness
  • Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) coordination
  • Regional and multilateral engagements
  • Sustainable use of marine resources

They also talked about cooperation in Search and Rescue (SAR), pollution response, blue economy, and Port State control.

Future Plans

Both countries agreed to continue strengthening their cooperation and to hold the next round of the dialogue in New Delhi on a mutually convenient date.

Doubts Revealed

Maritime Security -: Maritime security means keeping the seas and oceans safe from dangers like pirates, illegal fishing, and pollution.

Canberra -: Canberra is the capital city of Australia, where important meetings and government activities happen.

Muanpuii Saiawi -: Muanpuii Saiawi is an important person from India who helps in making decisions about keeping the seas safe.

Sarah Storey and Bernard Philip -: Sarah Storey and Bernard Philip are important people from Australia who also help in making decisions about sea safety.

Disaster Relief -: Disaster relief means helping people and places recover after big problems like floods, earthquakes, or storms.

Sustainable Marine Resource Use -: Sustainable marine resource use means using the ocean’s resources, like fish and minerals, in a way that doesn’t harm the environment and can be continued for a long time.

Indo-Pacific region -: The Indo-Pacific region is a large area of the world that includes the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, where many countries, including India and Australia, are located.

New Delhi -: New Delhi is the capital city of India, where the government and important meetings take place.

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