Imran Khan Demands Names of PTI Members Causing Party Rifts

Imran Khan Demands Names of PTI Members Causing Party Rifts

Imran Khan Demands Names of PTI Members Causing Party Rifts

Imran Khan, the founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and former Prime Minister, who is currently in jail, has taken notice of reports about a ‘forward bloc’ and internal strife within the party. He has demanded the names of the members causing these rifts.

Speculations about the forward bloc come from sources indicating that nearly two dozen lawmakers are considering forming a forward bloc due to the leadership’s failure to secure Khan’s release from jail. Persistent reports of groupings within PTI have led Khan to request the names of members involved in the Senate and National Assembly forward blocs in an upcoming meeting.

Khan has emphasized strict adherence to party discipline and has instructed that action be taken against those repeatedly violating party rules. The party is facing visible internal fissures, highlighted by the resignation of lawmaker Junaid Akbar, who claimed that certain people could meet the party chief while others were denied.

Member of the National Assembly, Sher Afzal Marwat, has demanded the resignation of PTI Senator Shibli Faeaz, accusing him of preventing access to the imprisoned party founder. Akbar echoed these allegations. Akbar’s resignation follows that of Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly, Omar Ayub, who stepped down as PTI secretary general, indicating further changes in the party’s organizational structure.

An official statement from the party said that the Parliamentary Party unanimously resolved that Omar Ayub’s resignation should not be accepted and that he should continue as Secretary General. The statement also strongly condemned media reports about a so-called ‘Forward Bloc,’ asserting that there is no such bloc within the party and that all members are united under the leadership of Imran Khan.

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