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IBSA Ministers Unite to Fight Terrorism at UN Meeting in New York

IBSA Ministers Unite to Fight Terrorism at UN Meeting in New York

IBSA Ministers Unite to Fight Terrorism at UN Meeting in New York

New York [US], September 27: External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar from India, Brazil’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Mauro Vieira, and South Africa’s Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Ronald Lamola met during the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

Commitment to Counter Terrorism

During their meeting, the ministers emphasized the need for collective action against terrorist groups designated by the United Nations, including Al-Qaeda, ISIS/Daesh, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT), Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM), and other affiliated groups. They called for concerted actions against these entities and their facilitators.

The ministers reiterated their commitment to adopting the Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism in the UNGA. They also stressed the importance of the UN Security Council’s role in imposing sanctions and called for reforms to ensure the effectiveness and transparency of the Sanctions Committees.

Condemnation of Terrorism

The ministers condemned terrorism in all its forms and agreed that it is a global issue that must be addressed. They emphasized the need to eliminate terrorist safe havens worldwide and to respect international law, including the UN Charter and human rights law, in the fight against terrorism.

They urged the international community to create a broad counterterrorism framework and support the UN’s central role in coordinating international efforts. They also highlighted the responsibility of all states to prevent and counter terrorism, including stopping the cross-border movement of terrorists and the financing of terrorist networks.

About IBSA

IBSA is a unique forum that brings together India, Brazil, and South Africa, all of which are developing, pluralistic, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, and multi-religious nations. The IBSA Dialogue Forum was formalized in 2003 when the Foreign Ministers of the three countries met in Brasilia.

Sharing a post on X about the IBSA meeting, Jaishankar wrote, “Attended a productive IBSA Foreign Minister’s meeting today alongside FM Mauro Vieira and FM Ronald Lamola. IBSA nations participate in and shape ongoing global discourses on development, SDGs, poverty eradication, multilateralism, and South-South cooperation. We share convergent views on reforms of UN system and of its Security Council. Our consultations should intensify as these debates acquire greater urgency.”

Doubts Revealed

IBSA -: IBSA stands for India, Brazil, and South Africa. It is a group of these three countries that work together on various issues.

External Affairs Minister -: The External Affairs Minister is a person in the Indian government who handles India’s relationships with other countries.

United Nations General Assembly -: The United Nations General Assembly is a big meeting where countries from all over the world come together to discuss important issues.

UN-designated terrorist groups -: These are groups that the United Nations has officially labeled as terrorists because they do bad things like hurting people and causing fear.

UN Security Council -: The UN Security Council is a part of the United Nations that makes important decisions about keeping peace and security in the world.

sanctions process -: The sanctions process is a way to punish countries or groups that do bad things by not allowing them to trade or do business with other countries.

counterterrorism framework -: A counterterrorism framework is a plan or set of rules to stop terrorism and keep people safe.
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