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Hyrbyair Marri Calls for Balochistan’s Unification and Liberation

Hyrbyair Marri Calls for Balochistan’s Unification and Liberation

Hyrbyair Marri Calls for Balochistan’s Unification and Liberation

Hyrbyair Marri, the head of the Free Balochistan Movement (FBM), has made a significant call for the unification and liberation of Balochistan, a region in Pakistan. In a statement on social media, Marri compared the division of Balochistan to the historical unification of East and West Germany. He urged the international community to support the Baloch people’s struggle for freedom.

Marri emphasized that Balochistan is historically and culturally distinct and has been divided into East and West, further fragmented into various administratively controlled regions. He highlighted that just as the world once supported Germany’s unification, it should now stand behind the Baloch people in their quest for freedom and unification.

“The Baloch people themselves, much like the Germans were, should be at the forefront of this struggle,” Marri stated. He urged the Baloch people to unite and work towards their liberation, asserting that international support would naturally follow a unified Baloch effort.

Marri also stressed that Balochistan rightfully belongs to the Baloch people and should not be ruled by outsiders, specifically mentioning the Persian and Punjabi communities. This statement is a significant call to action for the Baloch community and underlines the ongoing tensions in the region.

The Baloch people have long sought greater autonomy and recognition, and Marri’s call for unity and international support may signal a new phase in their struggle. The Free Balochistan Movement has been a vocal advocate for the independence of Balochistan, a region rich in natural resources but marked by conflict and political unrest. Marri’s latest appeal is likely to resonate with Baloch nationalists and could attract international attention to their cause.

Doubts Revealed

Hyrbyair Marri -: Hyrbyair Marri is a leader who wants Balochistan to be free and united. He is the head of a group called the Free Balochistan Movement.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a region in South Asia, mainly in Pakistan, but also parts in Iran and Afghanistan. Some people there want it to be an independent country.

Unification -: Unification means bringing together parts to make a whole. In this case, it means bringing together different parts of Balochistan to form one united region.

Liberation -: Liberation means gaining freedom from control by others. Here, it means Balochistan becoming free from outside rule.

East and West Germany -: East and West Germany were two separate countries after World War II. They became one country again in 1990, which is called unification.

International community -: The international community means all the countries and people around the world. Marri wants these countries to help Balochistan become free.

Autonomy -: Autonomy means having the power to make your own decisions. The Baloch people want to govern themselves without outside interference.
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