Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty to Tax Charges in Los Angeles Court

Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty to Tax Charges in Los Angeles Court

Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty to Tax Charges in Los Angeles Court

Hunter Biden, the son of US President Joe Biden, has pleaded guilty to nine federal tax charges. The charges include one count of felony tax evasion, two counts of filing fraudulent tax returns, four misdemeanor counts of failing to pay taxes, and two misdemeanor counts of failing to file tax returns.

The plea was accepted by District Judge Mark Scarsi in Los Angeles. Sentencing is scheduled for December 16, notably after the November presidential election.

The guilty plea came during a hearing on the same day his trial was supposed to begin. About 120 prospective jurors waited while prosecutors and Biden’s lawyers discussed how to proceed. Initially, Biden offered an ‘Alford plea,’ maintaining his innocence but accepting punishment. However, this plan was dropped after objections from prosecutors and the judge.

Instead, Biden entered an ‘open plea,’ admitting to the tax offenses without a pre-arranged deal with prosecutors. This move surprised many, including prosecutor Leo Wise. Biden testified under oath that no promises or pressure influenced his decision to plead guilty.

Prosecutors alleged that Biden failed to pay $1.4 million in federal taxes and evaded taxes by filing fraudulent returns. He has since paid $2 million in back taxes and penalties after getting sober and learning of the investigation.

Doubts Revealed

Hunter Biden -: Hunter Biden is the son of Joe Biden, who is the President of the United States.

pleaded guilty -: When someone ‘pleads guilty,’ they admit in court that they did something wrong or illegal.

federal tax charges -: These are serious accusations made by the government that someone did not pay the taxes they owe.

Los Angeles court -: This is a place in Los Angeles, a big city in the USA, where legal cases are heard and decided.

felony tax evasion -: This means not paying taxes on purpose, which is a very serious crime.

filing fraudulent tax returns -: This means lying on tax forms to pay less money to the government.

pre-arranged deal with prosecutors -: This means an agreement made before going to court, often to get a lighter punishment.

prosecutors -: These are lawyers who try to prove that someone has broken the law.

sentencing -: This is when the judge decides what punishment someone will get for breaking the law.

presidential election -: This is when people in the USA vote to choose their President.

evading $1.4 million in taxes -: This means not paying $1.4 million that was owed to the government.

back taxes and penalties -: This is the money someone has to pay when they didn’t pay their taxes on time, including extra charges for being late.

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