Hungarian PM Viktor Orban Meets Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing for Peace Talks

Hungarian PM Viktor Orban Meets Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing for Peace Talks

Hungarian PM Viktor Orban Meets Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing for Peace Talks

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban made a surprise visit to Beijing to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Orban emphasized China’s role in fostering peace in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. He shared his thoughts on social media, stating, ‘China is a key power in creating the conditions for peace in the Russia-Ukraine war.’

Orban’s visit to China follows his recent trips to Russia and Ukraine, where he discussed the possibility of a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict. Despite his efforts, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed opposition to a ceasefire, advocating instead for a complete end to the conflict.

The White House and US State Department expressed concerns about Orban’s visits, suggesting they might not promote peace or support Ukraine’s sovereignty. Orban is set to attend a NATO summit in Washington, DC, to discuss continued support for Ukraine.

Key Points

  • Orban met with Xi Jinping in Beijing to discuss peace in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
  • Orban previously visited Russia and Ukraine to propose a ceasefire.
  • Putin opposed a ceasefire, advocating for an end to the conflict.
  • The US expressed concerns about Orban’s visits, questioning their effectiveness in promoting peace.
  • Orban will attend a NATO summit in Washington, DC, to discuss support for Ukraine.

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