HRFP Celebrates National Minorities Day in Pakistan, Calls for Religious Freedom

HRFP Celebrates National Minorities Day in Pakistan, Calls for Religious Freedom

HRFP Celebrates National Minorities Day in Pakistan, Calls for Religious Freedom

On August 11, Human Rights Focus Pakistan (HRFP) observed National Minorities Day with a protest rally at Vision Hall, Faisalabad. The event focused on the theme of religious freedom, inspired by Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s speech from August 11, 1947. Jinnah’s speech emphasized that people are free to worship in their temples, mosques, or any other place of worship in Pakistan, regardless of their religion, caste, or creed.

Naveed Walter, president of HRFP, highlighted the importance of Jinnah’s speech on religious freedom and criticized political parties for using it only in their campaigns without taking real action. He pointed out that minority representatives often show more loyalty to their parties than to their communities.

Walter also expressed concern over the increasing incidents of violence against minorities, citing examples such as the attacks in Jaranwala, Gojra, and Koriyaan. He urged the government to prioritize the protection of minorities and take decisive actions against those who falsely accuse others of blasphemy.

Other speakers, including Ejaz Jacob Gill, James Lal, Manzoor Anthony, and others, stressed the need to promote and implement Jinnah’s speech. They called for the incorporation of Jinnah’s August 11 speech into the constitution to ensure the separation of state matters from religion and to protect the fundamental rights of minorities.

Doubts Revealed

HRFP -: HRFP stands for Human Rights Focus Pakistan. It is an organization that works to protect and promote human rights in Pakistan.

National Minorities Day -: National Minorities Day is observed in Pakistan on August 11 to recognize and honor the contributions and rights of minority communities in the country.

Religious Freedom -: Religious freedom means that people have the right to practice any religion they choose, or not practice any religion at all, without facing discrimination or harm.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah -: Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the founder of Pakistan. He delivered a famous speech in 1947 advocating for equal rights for all citizens, regardless of their religion.

Faisalabad -: Faisalabad is a city in Pakistan. It is known for its textile industry and is one of the largest cities in the country.

Naveed Walter -: Naveed Walter is the President of Human Rights Focus Pakistan. He works to protect the rights of minority communities in Pakistan.

Constitution -: A constitution is a set of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is governed. It is like a rulebook for how a country should be run.

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