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Hong Kong Journalists Patrick Lam and Chung Pui-kuen Face Historic Sedition Trial

Hong Kong Journalists Patrick Lam and Chung Pui-kuen Face Historic Sedition Trial

Hong Kong Journalists Patrick Lam and Chung Pui-kuen Face Historic Sedition Trial

Two Hong Kong journalists, Patrick Lam and Chung Pui-kuen, are facing the outcome of a historic sedition trial this week. The decision could significantly impact the direction of media in Hong Kong.


Patrick Lam and Chung Pui-kuen were editors of Stand News, an independent news organization that has since dissolved. They, along with five other Stand News employees and board members, including former politician and attorney Margaret Ng and pro-democracy activist Denise Ho, were arrested by Hong Kong’s national security police in December 2021. Stand News shut down shortly after the police raid.

Legal Context

In 2020, Beijing enforced new national security regulations in response to anti-government protests. Sedition laws, dormant since Hong Kong’s time as a British colony, were revived. Prosecutors began charging residents with sedition, collusion with foreign forces, and subversion.

The Trial

Chung and Lam’s trial is closely watched as it is the first sedition case directly involving journalism and media. Prosecutors allege that they published 17 anti-government seditious articles, turning Stand News into a political platform rather than a free press. The articles included commentary from political figures in exile and news about the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong.

Doubts Revealed

Hong Kong -: Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China. It used to be a British colony until 1997.

Journalists -: Journalists are people who write news stories for newspapers, magazines, or news websites. They report on events and share information with the public.

Patrick Lam and Chung Pui-kuen -: Patrick Lam and Chung Pui-kuen are the names of two journalists from Hong Kong. They worked for a news outlet called Stand News.

Sedition -: Sedition means actions or words that encourage people to rebel against the authority of a state or government. It is considered a serious crime.

Stand News -: Stand News was an independent news outlet in Hong Kong. It was known for reporting news without government influence.

Police raid -: A police raid is when police officers enter a place suddenly to search for something or arrest people. In this case, the police raided Stand News.

Colonial-era sedition laws -: These are old laws from the time when Hong Kong was a British colony. They were made to stop people from speaking against the government.

Prosecutors -: Prosecutors are lawyers who try to prove that someone has committed a crime. They present evidence in court to show that the person is guilty.
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