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Hezbollah Leader Hassan Nasrallah Killed by Israel: What Experts Say

Hezbollah Leader Hassan Nasrallah Killed by Israel: What Experts Say

Hezbollah Leader Hassan Nasrallah Killed by Israel: What Experts Say

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was killed by Israel in a targeted strike near Beirut, which is a significant setback for the Iranian-backed group, according to Defence Experts.

Israel’s Determination

Defence expert Praful Bakshi stated that Israel will not heed moral lectures and will continue fighting for its survival. He emphasized that Israel’s objective is to eliminate radical Islam working against it.

Impact on Lebanon

Bakshi noted that Nasrallah’s death is a shock to Lebanon, as they did not expect him to be eliminated so easily. He highlighted the role of advanced technology in locating and targeting Nasrallah.

Speculation and Ongoing Conflict

West Asia Strategist Waiel Awwad mentioned that the Lebanese government has not confirmed Nasrallah’s death, making it a speculation. He added that the war between Israel and Hezbollah continues, with both sides attacking each other.

Psychological Impact

Awwad explained that while Nasrallah’s death may have a psychological impact, it won’t change much on the ground due to Hezbollah’s strong structure. He also noted that Israel’s actions are driven by a desire for land and water in Lebanon.

Long-Term Conflict

Awwad predicted that the war will continue for some time, with Israel aiming to involve the United States in a regional conflict. He emphasized that the war is rooted in Israel’s objective to destroy Iran and Hezbollah.

Hezbollah’s Resilience

Awwad stated that Hezbollah has alternative leaders ready to take over, and the resistance against Israel will continue as long as there is occupation.

Support from the United States

Awwad highlighted that Israel’s strength comes from support by the United States, which provides weapons and technology. He also mentioned Iran’s potential retaliation for the killing of Ismail Haniyyah.

Doubts Revealed

Hezbollah -: Hezbollah is a group in Lebanon that has its own army and is involved in politics. They are supported by Iran and often fight against Israel.

Hassan Nasrallah -: Hassan Nasrallah is the leader of Hezbollah. He is a very important person for the group and has been leading them for many years.

Israel -: Israel is a country in the Middle East. It has had many conflicts with its neighbors, including Lebanon and groups like Hezbollah.

Beirut -: Beirut is the capital city of Lebanon. It is a very old city with a lot of history and is important in the region.

Iranian-backed -: Iranian-backed means that Iran supports and helps Hezbollah with money, weapons, and training.

Defence expert -: A defence expert is someone who knows a lot about military and security issues. They study and give advice on how to protect a country.

Praful Bakshi -: Praful Bakshi is a defence expert from India who talks about military matters and gives his opinions on conflicts.

West Asia Strategist -: A West Asia Strategist is someone who studies and plans for political and military situations in the West Asia region, which includes countries like Lebanon, Israel, and Iran.

Waiel Awwad -: Waiel Awwad is a strategist who studies and talks about the politics and conflicts in West Asia.

Lebanese government -: The Lebanese government is the group of people who run the country of Lebanon. They make laws and decisions for the country.

Conflict -: A conflict is a serious disagreement or fight between groups or countries. In this case, it is between Israel and Hezbollah.

Land and water -: Land and water are important resources that countries need. Sometimes, countries fight over these resources because they are very valuable.
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