Hamid Mir Criticizes Islamabad Police for Mistreatment of Women

Hamid Mir Criticizes Islamabad Police for Mistreatment of Women

Hamid Mir Criticizes Islamabad Police for Mistreatment of Women

Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir has raised concerns about the treatment of women by Islamabad’s police force. In a recent social media post, Mir highlighted a past incident where over 200 Baloch women, including young girls, were arrested and held despite court orders. He criticized major political parties for their silence on this issue.

Mir’s comments came after PTI leader Omar Ayub Khan reported that 11 out of 13 PTI women who were arrested and unlawfully held by Islamabad police had been released. Mir stated, “Same Islamabad ladies police arrested more than 200 Baloch women, including small girls, last year. They never released them despite IHC orders. All main political parties remained silent on that inhuman treatment of Baloch women in the capital of Pakistan. Unfortunately, same thing happening with PTI today by same ladies police and will happen again with PML-N in future.”

Last year, during a cold December night, several Baloch women and children were detained without charge at the women’s police station in Islamabad. The incident occurred during a “long march” from Turbat, near the Iranian border in Balochistan, to the Pakistani capital. The march was a protest against enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings in the province.

The illegal detention of Baloch people in Pakistan has been a longstanding issue, drawing significant international and domestic scrutiny. Baloch activists and human rights organizations have documented numerous cases of arbitrary arrests and detentions without due process. Critics argue that these practices violate fundamental human rights principles, including the right to a fair trial and protection from torture.

The Pakistani government has faced calls from both domestic and international bodies to address these issues, ensure transparency in law enforcement practices, and hold accountable those responsible for human rights abuses.

Doubts Revealed

Hamid Mir -: Hamid Mir is a well-known journalist from Pakistan who often speaks out on important issues.

Islamabad -: Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan.

Baloch -: Baloch refers to people from Balochistan, a region in Pakistan.

PTI -: PTI stands for Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, a political party in Pakistan.

Omar Ayub Khan -: Omar Ayub Khan is a leader in the PTI political party.

illegal detention -: Illegal detention means keeping someone in jail without following the law.

enforced disappearances -: Enforced disappearances happen when people are secretly taken away and their families don’t know where they are.

human rights concern -: A human rights concern is an issue that affects people’s basic rights and freedoms.

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