Gunmen Attack in Dagestan: 9 Killed, Including Priest and Police Officers

Gunmen Attack in Dagestan: 9 Killed, Including Priest and Police Officers

Gunmen Attack in Dagestan: 9 Killed, Including Priest and Police Officers

In Dagestan, Russia, coordinated attacks by gunmen resulted in nine deaths and 25 injuries. The attacks targeted churches, synagogues, and a police traffic stop in the cities of Derbent and Makhachkala, which are about 120km apart.

Details of the Attacks

The Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Republic of Dagestan has initiated a terror investigation. The attacks occurred in churches, synagogues, and a police traffic stop. Among the dead are seven law enforcement officers, a priest named Father Nikolay, and a church security guard. Four militants were also killed.

Statements from Authorities

Dagestan Public Monitoring Commission Chairman Shamil Khadulaev confirmed the death of Father Nikolay and a security guard. The head of the Dagestan Republic, Sergey Melikov, stated that unknown persons attempted to destabilize the social situation, but Dagestan police officers intervened. An operational headquarters has been created, and a counter-operation named ‘Interception’ is being carried out.

Impact on Religious Sites

A synagogue in Derbent was set on fire, and a synagogue in Makhachkala was attacked by gunfire. The Israeli foreign ministry termed it a combined attack on the two synagogues, stating that there were no worshipers present at the time of the attacks.

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