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Gujarat to Install 48 MW Solar Rooftop Systems on Government Buildings

Gujarat to Install 48 MW Solar Rooftop Systems on Government Buildings

Gujarat to Install 48 MW Solar Rooftop Systems on Government Buildings

The Government of Gujarat will install a 48 MW solar power rooftop system on government buildings throughout the state this year. The state government has allocated Rs 177.4 crore to support the project.

This initiative follows Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s goal to ensure 50% of India’s electricity needs are met from renewable energy sources by 2030. One notable achievement in this direction is the launch of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) by PM Modi and the President of France at COP21 in Paris in 2015, promoting solar energy across 121 countries.

In India, programs like Bharat Ujala Yojana, the National Solar Mission, Swacchh Bharat Abhiyan, and various green growth initiatives reflect the country’s commitment to environmentally sustainable development. The Gujarat government has taken a lead in realizing this global commitment.

Gujarat has a solar energy potential of over 36 GW. To tap into this resource, the state’s Climate Change Department is actively installing solar rooftops on government buildings. By March 2024, a total of 3,023 solar rooftop systems, generating a combined capacity of 56.8 MW, will have been set up across various government departments in the state.

Gujarat has emerged as a leader in renewable energy, particularly in solar and wind power. Projects such as Charanka Solar Park have positioned Gujarat as a leader in solar energy generation in India. Coastal wind farms have also played a crucial role in enhancing the state’s renewable energy capacity.

In 2023-24, Gujarat generated a total of 24,765.3 million units of renewable energy, including 9,637 MU from solar, 14,201 MU from wind, 885.325 MU from hydro, 69 MU from small hydro, and 42 MU from biomass and bagasse.

Fossil fuels dominate global energy consumption, but their availability is limited and their environmental impact is severe. To ensure a better future for coming generations, it is crucial to foster a clean environment. Gujarat has recognized this necessity and has actively embraced it by robustly implementing solar project infrastructure.

By harnessing solar power as a key energy source, Gujarat effectively addresses the energy needs of its citizens, maintains environmental balance, and promotes economic development. This integrated approach positions Gujarat as a leader in sustainable development.

Doubts Revealed

MW -: MW stands for Megawatt, which is a unit of power. One Megawatt is equal to one million watts. It is used to measure the capacity of power plants.

Solar Rooftop Systems -: Solar rooftop systems are solar panels installed on the roofs of buildings. They capture sunlight and convert it into electricity.

Rs 177.4 crore -: Rs 177.4 crore is a way to express a large amount of money in Indian currency. One crore is equal to ten million rupees.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi -: Narendra Modi is the current Prime Minister of India. He is the leader of the country and makes important decisions for its development.

Renewable sources -: Renewable sources are natural resources that can be used to produce energy again and again, like sunlight, wind, and water.

Gujarat -: Gujarat is a state in western India. It is known for its strong economy and leadership in renewable energy projects.

3,023 solar rooftop systems -: This means that Gujarat plans to install 3,023 sets of solar panels on the roofs of buildings to generate electricity.

36 GW -: GW stands for Gigawatt, which is a unit of power. One Gigawatt is equal to one billion watts. It is used to measure very large power capacities.

Solar potential -: Solar potential refers to the amount of sunlight a place receives, which can be used to generate solar energy. Gujarat has a high solar potential, meaning it gets a lot of sunlight.
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