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Google Photos Enhances Search with AI-Powered Features for Easier Image Retrieval

Google Photos Enhances Search with AI-Powered Features for Easier Image Retrieval

Google Photos Enhances Search with AI-Powered Features for Easier Image Retrieval

Google Photos is rolling out significant upgrades to its search functionality, making it easier for users to find specific images using more natural, descriptive queries. Users can now enter queries like ‘Gigi Hadid playing with daughter’ to locate relevant photos quickly. The updated search experience allows users to sort results by either date or relevance, enhancing the speed and accuracy of image retrieval. This feature is currently being released in English for both Android and iOS users, with plans to support additional languages in the coming weeks.

In addition to this, select users in the US are gaining early access to a new feature called ‘Ask Photos,’ available through Google Labs for those who are on the waitlist. This feature leverages the advanced capabilities of Gemini AI to enhance search by understanding the context of users’ photo galleries. For instance, you can ask ‘Ask Photos’ questions such as ‘When did we eat at the airport in Delhi?’ and it will provide relevant details based on the context of your photos, such as the people, places, and activities depicted.

‘Ask Photos’ functions similarly to a chatbot, offering a conversational interface where users can refine their queries if the initial search does not yield the desired results. This AI-driven feature can summarize trip highlights, suggest the best photos from specific events, and more, all powered by Gemini’s sophisticated models. Google emphasizes that while human reviewers may examine Ask Photos queries to refine the service, this process occurs after queries are disconnected from users’ Google Accounts to ensure privacy. Responses generated by ‘Ask Photos’ are typically not reviewed by humans unless feedback is provided or in cases where abuse or harm needs to be addressed.

Doubts Revealed

Google Photos -: Google Photos is an app where you can store and organize your pictures and videos. It helps you find and share your memories easily.

AI-Powered -: AI-Powered means that the feature uses Artificial Intelligence, which is like a smart computer program that can learn and make decisions.

Natural, descriptive queries -: This means you can search for pictures using everyday language, like ‘photos of my birthday’ instead of just typing specific words.

Android and iOS -: Android and iOS are types of operating systems for mobile phones. Android is used in many phones like Samsung, while iOS is used in iPhones.

Sort results by date or relevance -: This means you can arrange the search results either by when the photos were taken (date) or by how closely they match what you are looking for (relevance).

Ask Photos feature -: This is a new tool that lets you ask questions about your photos, like ‘Show me pictures from my last vacation,’ and it will find them for you.

Gemini AI -: Gemini AI is a special smart program that helps the ‘Ask Photos’ feature understand and answer your questions.

Contextual questions -: These are questions that relate to the situation or details in your photos, like ‘Who is in this picture?’ or ‘Where was this taken?’.

Privacy -: Privacy means keeping your personal information safe. Google makes sure that your search questions are not linked to your account when they are checked by people.
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