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Google Adds Gemini AI to Messages App for Better Chat Experience

Google Adds Gemini AI to Messages App for Better Chat Experience

Google Adds Gemini AI to Messages App for Better Chat Experience

Google has started updating its Messages app by integrating Gemini AI, which enhances user interaction directly within chats. This follows the recent introduction of Gemini AI on other platforms like Gmail.

New Features

The Gemini AI integration aims to streamline user experience by providing quick access to artificial intelligence capabilities without leaving the Messages app. Users will see a new floating action button above the ‘Start chat’ button, making it easy to access the AI service.

How It Works

Although not widely available yet, Google assures that Gemini AI functions similarly to its standalone version on Android devices. Users can ask questions, receive information, or issue commands seamlessly while chatting.

Privacy and Security

Gemini AI respects user privacy by not scanning private conversations. However, interactions with the AI chatbot are not end-to-end encrypted, so users should be cautious when sharing sensitive information. Google offers options to manage chat history, allowing storage customization from 3 months to 36 months.

Gemini AI does not track user location beyond general details from IP addresses or home addresses to provide relevant information.

Looking Forward

As the update continues to roll out, users can expect enhanced capabilities and streamlined interactions within the Messages app.

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