Goa Police Hosts 10th Annual Anti-Narcotic Run with Minister Subhash Phal Desai and DGP Jaspal Singh

Goa Police Hosts 10th Annual Anti-Narcotic Run with Minister Subhash Phal Desai and DGP Jaspal Singh

Goa Police Hosts 10th Annual Anti-Narcotic Run

Event Details

The Anti Narcotic Cell (ANC) of Goa Police organized its 10th annual anti-narcotic run in Panaji on Saturday. This event is part of the celebrations leading up to the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on June 26.

Key Figures

The 10 km run, themed ‘Run Against Drugs,’ was flagged off by Minister of Social Welfare Subhash Phal Desai and DGP Jaspal Singh. SP (ANC) Akshat Kaushal IPS and other police officers were also present.

Messages and Participation

SP Akshat Kaushal emphasized the importance of educating youth about the dangers of drugs. He said, “The message behind the race is to send a message to all citizens, especially youth, to stay away from drugs.”

Despite the rain, around 400 participants, including youth, women, police forces, and community members, ran with enthusiasm to support the cause.

Speeches and Highlights

Chief Guest Subhash Phaldesai delivered an inspiring speech, emphasizing the importance of a drug-free lifestyle. DGP Jaspal Singh highlighted the role of public outreach in combating narcotics and commended the efforts of Goa Police.


The Anti Narcotics Week includes various events to raise awareness about the dangers of drug use. The run serves as a platform to unite the community against narcotics and supports the ongoing efforts of the Anti Narcotics Cell in Goa.

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