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Gideon Saar Rejoins Netanyahu’s Government in Israel

Gideon Saar Rejoins Netanyahu’s Government in Israel

Gideon Saar Rejoins Netanyahu’s Government in Israel

Tel Aviv, Israel – In a significant move, Gideon Saar, leader of the New Hope party, has rejoined Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government. This decision was announced on Sunday, just over a week after Saar rejected an offer to replace Defence Minister Yoav Gallant.

Joint Press Conference

In a joint press conference, Netanyahu expressed his gratitude towards Saar for joining the government. He said, “I appreciate the fact that Gideon Saar has answered my request and agreed to join the government. This move contributes to the unity among us, and to our unity in the face of our enemies.”

Netanyahu praised Saar’s broad vision and ability to bring creative solutions to complex problems, noting that they often saw eye-to-eye on necessary steps.

Saar’s Statement

Saar emphasized the importance of unity in Israel, stating, “We are living in historic days for Israel. These are decisive days in the campaign against our enemies. At this time it is important to strengthen Israel, its government and its unity. This is the patriotic and right thing to do now.”

Opposition Reaction

Opposition leader Yair Lapid criticized Saar’s decision, stating, “It is difficult to see how the worst government in our history destroys the best in the countries. It is also difficult to see Saar giving up his self-respect and the fact that he is a decent person.”

Future Prospects

Saar has not replaced Gallant for the time being, although it is not ruled out for the future. He will serve as a minister without portfolio and be part of the security cabinet. Saar and his party will have freedom regarding how to vote on some controversial issues but will not have a veto.


Saar’s political journey took a turn when disputes with Likud party leader Benjamin Netanyahu led to his departure from politics in 2014. He began his political career in the Likud party and became one of its most prominent members. However, tensions between the two leaders increased, leading Saar to take a pause from politics.

Doubts Revealed

Gideon Saar -: Gideon Saar is a politician in Israel. He leads a political group called the New Hope party.

Benjamin Netanyahu -: Benjamin Netanyahu is the Prime Minister of Israel. He is like the head of the government in Israel.

New Hope party -: The New Hope party is a political group in Israel. They have their own ideas and plans for the country.

Defence Minister -: The Defence Minister is a person in the government who is in charge of the country’s military and defense.

Yoav Gallant -: Yoav Gallant is the current Defence Minister of Israel. He is responsible for the country’s defense and military.

unity -: Unity means working together as one. In this context, it means people in Israel working together for the good of the country.

Yair Lapid -: Yair Lapid is a politician in Israel. He is the leader of the opposition, which means he leads the group that is not in power.

minister without portfolio -: A minister without portfolio is a government official who does not have a specific department to manage. They help with various tasks as needed.

security cabinet -: The security cabinet is a group of top government officials in Israel. They make important decisions about the country’s safety and security.
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