Free Balochistan Movement Plans Protests in UK, Germany, Netherlands, and USA

Free Balochistan Movement Plans Protests in UK, Germany, Netherlands, and USA

Free Balochistan Movement Plans Protests in UK, Germany, Netherlands, and USA

London [UK], August 26: The Free Balochistan Movement (FBM), a group advocating for Baloch independence, has announced protests in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, and the USA. These protests aim to mark the International Day of the Disappeared and highlight the issue of enforced disappearances in Balochistan by Pakistani armed forces.

The demonstrations will take place on August 30 in London, UK, and in Germany and the Netherlands, followed by additional protests on August 31 in Hamburg, Germany, and Washington, DC, USA. The FBM spokesperson stated that these events aim to raise global awareness of the suffering of those who have forcibly disappeared in Balochistan and to call on international organisations and governments to address the human rights abuses occurring in the region.

The FBM has been actively campaigning for an independent Balochistan and frequently organizes protests, demonstrations, vigils, and seminars to shed light on the ongoing atrocities committed by Iran and Pakistan against the Baloch nation. The protests are expected to attract participants from the Baloch diaspora, human rights groups, and advocates of the Baloch cause.

The FBM has also urged international bodies such as the United Nations to intervene and hold Pakistan accountable for human rights violations, including enforced disappearances in Balochistan. The International Day of the Disappeared is observed globally to honour the victims of enforced disappearances and to demand justice for those whose whereabouts remain unknown. The FBM’s coordinated protests across four countries are part of a broader strategy to internationalise the Baloch struggle and draw global attention to the situation in Balochistan.

Doubts Revealed

Free Balochistan Movement (FBM) -: The Free Balochistan Movement is a group that wants Balochistan, a region in Pakistan, to become an independent country. They often organize events to talk about problems in Balochistan.

UK -: The UK stands for the United Kingdom, which is a country in Europe made up of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Germany -: Germany is a country in Europe known for its rich history and strong economy.

Netherlands -: The Netherlands is a country in Europe famous for its windmills, tulips, and canals. It is also known as Holland.

USA -: The USA stands for the United States of America, a large country in North America made up of 50 states.

International Day of the Disappeared -: The International Day of the Disappeared is a day to remember people who have gone missing, often because of conflicts or government actions. It is observed on August 30th.

enforced disappearances -: Enforced disappearances happen when people are taken away by the government or other groups and are not seen again. Their families often do not know where they are or what happened to them.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a region in Pakistan that some people want to become an independent country. It has a lot of natural resources but also faces many problems.

Pakistani armed forces -: The Pakistani armed forces are the military forces of Pakistan, including the army, navy, and air force.

international intervention -: International intervention means getting help from other countries or international organizations to solve a problem.

human rights abuses -: Human rights abuses are actions that harm people’s basic rights and freedoms, like unfair treatment, violence, or taking away their freedom.

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