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Flash Floods in Ishokman Valley, Gilgit-Baltistan Cause Severe Damage

Flash Floods in Ishokman Valley, Gilgit-Baltistan Cause Severe Damage

Flash Floods in Ishokman Valley, Gilgit-Baltistan Cause Severe Damage

Ishokman Valley, located in northern Pakistan-occupied Gilgit-Baltistan (PoGB), has been severely affected by flash floods. The melting of the Badswat Glacier has caused significant damage, including the destruction of a temporary bridge and nearly 1,000 feet of road in Badswat. This has severed land connections between Badswat and Mutramdan, isolating the upper areas of Ganjabad, Borth, Bazar Katu, Yazben, and Mutramdan.

As a result, 400 households in these regions are facing difficulties accessing necessities, such as transportation and schooling for children. The current situation is attributed to drastic climate changes and neglect by the local administration. The villages of Ishkoman, including Center Kot and Faizabad Bala, have also been heavily affected by the flash floods. Land connections have been cut off from three different locations. The bridge in Kot Pain is under threat of being completely eroded by the river, while five residential houses have already been damaged. Four shops and cattle sheds have also been partially affected.

Major irrigation channels in Ishkoman Proper have been damaged, raising concerns over the potential drying up of fertile lands due to disrupted water supply. Previously, the Hunza Valley experienced similar issues due to the rapid melting of glaciers and overflow in the Hunza River. Flash floods destroyed several households and livelihoods in that area, and the lack of local administrative response left residents in severe distress.

A similar flood-like situation was observed on the outskirts of the Skardu and Shigar districts earlier too. However, the local administration failed to arrange any rescue or assistance for the general public, and consequently, the floods destroyed the private property and homes of poor individuals. Floods in the PoGB region pose a severe threat, as most of the local population relies on agriculture for their livelihood. Floods have also destroyed several houses and damaged already poor road infrastructure in the area.

Doubts Revealed

Flash Floods -: Flash floods are sudden and intense floods that happen very quickly, usually due to heavy rain or melting ice.

Ishokman Valley -: Ishokman Valley is a place in the northern part of a region called Gilgit-Baltistan, which is currently controlled by Pakistan.

Gilgit-Baltistan -: Gilgit-Baltistan is a mountainous area in northern Pakistan, known for its beautiful landscapes and glaciers.

Badswat Glacier -: A glacier is a large, slow-moving mass of ice. The Badswat Glacier is one such glacier in Gilgit-Baltistan.

Temporary Bridge -: A temporary bridge is a bridge that is built to be used for a short period of time, often during emergencies or construction.

Irrigation Channels -: Irrigation channels are small waterways used to bring water to fields and crops to help them grow.

Local Administration -: Local administration refers to the group of people who manage and take care of a specific area or community.
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