Five Baloch Youths Abducted by Pakistani Forces in Gwadar

Five Baloch Youths Abducted by Pakistani Forces in Gwadar

Five Baloch Youths Abducted by Pakistani Forces in Gwadar

The crisis of enforced disappearances in Balochistan is worsening. On September 27, 2024, five Baloch youths were reportedly abducted by Pakistani security forces in Gwadar. The Baloch Yakhjeti Committee (BYC), a Baloch rights organization, highlighted this incident on social media, identifying the victims as Mehraaj, son of Noor Baksh; Ejaz, son of Hussain; Ayub, son of Hamza; Zakria Zakir, son of Yaqoob; and Doda Khalid.

The BYC condemned the actions of the Pakistani state, accusing its security forces of targeting the Baloch society. They called on the global community and human rights defenders to take action to protect the Baloch people.

PAANK, the human rights wing of the Baloch National Movement (BNM), also expressed concern over the increasing frequency of disappearances. They stressed that students and young activists are particularly vulnerable due to their potential to expose systemic discrimination and human rights violations.

Pakistan, a party to international agreements like the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention against Torture (CAT), is obligated to protect individuals from arbitrary arrest and detention. However, the state’s failure to address or prevent enforced disappearances highlights its disregard for these commitments.

Enforced disappearances in Balochistan are part of a larger crackdown on dissent, with Baloch activists accusing the military and intelligence agencies of orchestrating these abductions to suppress demands for autonomy. The impact extends beyond the victims, instilling fear in local communities and diminishing trust in state institutions. Despite international pressure, Pakistan’s lack of accountability has exacerbated the issue, further damaging its global reputation.

Doubts Revealed

Baloch -: Baloch refers to people from Balochistan, a region in Pakistan. They have their own culture and language.

Abducted -: Abducted means taken away by force. In this case, it means the youths were taken by the security forces without their consent.

Pakistani Forces -: Pakistani Forces are the military and security personnel of Pakistan. They are responsible for the country’s defense and security.

Gwadar -: Gwadar is a port city in Balochistan, Pakistan. It is known for its strategic location and development projects.

Baloch Yakhjeti Committee (BYC) -: The Baloch Yakhjeti Committee (BYC) is a group that represents the interests of the Baloch people. They work to protect their rights and culture.

PAANK -: PAANK is the human rights wing of the Baloch National Movement (BNM). They focus on issues related to human rights violations in Balochistan.

Baloch National Movement (BNM) -: The Baloch National Movement (BNM) is a political organization that advocates for the rights and independence of the Baloch people.

Enforced disappearances -: Enforced disappearances happen when people are secretly taken away by authorities or groups, and their whereabouts are kept hidden.

Crackdown on dissent -: A crackdown on dissent means taking strict actions against people who oppose or criticize the government or authorities.

Activists -: Activists are people who work to bring about social or political change. They often speak out against injustices.

Military and intelligence agencies -: Military and intelligence agencies are parts of the government responsible for national security and gathering information to protect the country.

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