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Faiza Rifat from Jaipur Supports India’s Citizenship Amendment Act at UNHRC

Faiza Rifat from Jaipur Supports India’s Citizenship Amendment Act at UNHRC

Faiza Rifat Supports India’s Citizenship Amendment Act at UNHRC

Geneva, Switzerland – September 18: Faiza Rifat, a Muslim woman from Jaipur, Rajasthan, made a significant statement at the 57th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva. She voiced her support for India’s Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA).

What is the Citizenship Amendment Act?

The CAA aims to provide a pathway to citizenship for religious minorities from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. It benefits Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis, and Christians who entered India before December 31, 2014.

Why is the CAA Important?

According to Rifat, the CAA addresses an urgent need by offering refuge and legal status to those who have faced persecution in their home countries. She highlighted recent developments in Bangladesh, where the Hindu minority faces ongoing persecution and violence.

Rifat explained that the CAA helps differentiate between genuine refugees fleeing persecution and illegal immigrants. This distinction allows the Indian government to more effectively address illegal activities, such as drug trafficking, particularly in sensitive border regions.

Humanitarian Dimension

Rifat described the CAA as a protective measure for vulnerable minorities, shielding them from exploitation and ensuring their safety within India’s borders. Despite ongoing debates, she stressed the Act’s role in safeguarding persecuted minorities and contributing to India’s broader goals of security and social stability.

Doubts Revealed

Faiza Rifat -: Faiza Rifat is a woman from Jaipur, a city in India. She is a Muslim and she spoke at an important meeting about human rights.

Jaipur -: Jaipur is a big city in the Indian state of Rajasthan. It is also known as the Pink City because many buildings are pink.

UNHRC -: UNHRC stands for United Nations Human Rights Council. It is a group of countries that work together to protect human rights around the world.

57th session -: The 57th session is the 57th meeting of the UNHRC. They meet regularly to discuss human rights issues.

Geneva -: Geneva is a city in Switzerland. Many important international meetings happen there.

Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) -: The Citizenship Amendment Act is a law in India. It helps certain religious minorities from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan to become Indian citizens.

persecuted religious minorities -: Persecuted religious minorities are groups of people who are treated badly because of their religion. In this case, it refers to some people from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.

illegal immigrants -: Illegal immigrants are people who move to a country without permission. The CAA helps to tell apart real refugees from these illegal immigrants.

India’s security and social stability -: India’s security and social stability means keeping the country safe and peaceful. The CAA is said to help with this by making sure only genuine refugees get citizenship.
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