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Faheem Baloch Speaks on Balochistan’s Struggles at UN Human Rights Council

Faheem Baloch Speaks on Balochistan’s Struggles at UN Human Rights Council

Faheem Baloch Speaks on Balochistan’s Struggles at UN Human Rights Council

Geneva, Switzerland – During the 57th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council’s general debate, Faheem Baloch, coordinator of the Baloch National Movement (BNM), addressed ongoing atrocities, extrajudicial killings, and the exploitation of resources by the Pakistani armed forces.

Baloch stated, “Today, I present the case of Balochistan, which remains an information black hole regarding human rights violations. I stand before you to shed light on the continued exploitation of Balochistan’s rich resources by powerful external forces.”

He emphasized, “For decades, Balochistan’s natural resources have been plundered without the consent of its people.”

Highlighting China’s involvement, he noted, “Projects like the Saindak Gold Project and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) serve the interests of Pakistan and China, extracting minerals and wealth while leaving the local population in poverty and forcing them to migrate along the CPEC route under the guise of security.”

In contrast to Pakistan’s claims of development and prosperity in Balochistan, the reality tells a different story. Gwadar, a focal point of CPEC, suffers from severe infrastructure deficiencies. Basic necessities, such as clean drinking water and reliable electricity, remain elusive amid scorching temperatures. Local fishermen, reliant on the sea for their livelihoods for centuries, face harassment and restrictions, while non-Baloch individuals are favored in local job appointments.

Baloch further remarked, “Thousands of Indigenous Baloch people have been compelled to migrate to neighboring countries. Now, a Canadian company, Barrick Gold, has joined this unholy alliance, further stripping Balochistan of its resources. This exploitation is not only an economic injustice but also a violation of the fundamental rights of the Baloch people. They have been denied their rightful ownership and voice regarding their land and have been pushed aside.”

This crisis has persisted for over twenty years, impacting students, activists, journalists, and politicians. The ongoing turmoil is exacerbated by severe distress among families, especially women and the elderly, who endure great suffering over the fate of their missing relatives.

He concluded by urging, “It is time for the world to recognize these injustices and demand that the people of Balochistan be granted the power and authority to determine their own future.”

Doubts Revealed

Faheem Baloch -: Faheem Baloch is a person who is part of the Baloch National Movement, which is a group that wants to help the people of Balochistan.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a region in Pakistan where many people live. It has a lot of natural resources like minerals and gas.

UN Human Rights Council -: The UN Human Rights Council is a group of countries that come together to talk about and try to solve problems where people’s rights are being hurt.

57th session -: The 57th session is just a meeting that happens every so often. This was the 57th time they met to talk about human rights.

Baloch National Movement -: The Baloch National Movement is a group that wants to protect the rights and resources of the people in Balochistan.

exploitation -: Exploitation means taking advantage of someone or something unfairly. In this case, it means taking Balochistan’s resources without giving fair benefits to the local people.

human rights violations -: Human rights violations are actions that hurt people’s basic rights, like the right to live safely and freely.

Pakistani forces -: Pakistani forces are the military and police from Pakistan who are accused of hurting people in Balochistan.

external entities like China -: External entities like China means other countries or groups outside of Pakistan, like China, that are involved in Balochistan’s issues.

plundering of resources -: Plundering of resources means taking away valuable things like minerals and gas from Balochistan without giving fair benefits to the local people.

forced migration -: Forced migration means making people leave their homes and move to another place against their will.

global recognition -: Global recognition means getting people and countries all around the world to know and understand the problems happening in Balochistan.

empowerment -: Empowerment means giving people the power and ability to make their own decisions and control their own lives.
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