Faheem Baloch Highlights Atrocities in Balochistan at London Protest

Faheem Baloch Highlights Atrocities in Balochistan at London Protest

Faheem Baloch Highlights Atrocities in Balochistan at London Protest

Faheem Baloch, a prominent activist from the UK chapter of the Baloch National Movement (BNM), spoke on Wednesday about the severe human rights violations in Balochistan by Pakistani defence forces. This took place during a protest organized by the UK chapter of BNM in London.

Protest Details

The protest aimed to condemn the atrocities inflicted by Pakistani defence forces on the Baloch community. Faheem highlighted the ongoing human rights violations since the invasion of Balochistan. He mentioned that the Baloch Yakjehti Committee called for a national gathering in Gwadar on July 28, which led to violent crackdowns by Pakistani state establishments.

Violence Against Protesters

Faheem described how Pakistani forces opened fire on peaceful protesters, resulting in deaths and injuries. Despite the violence, many people reached Gwadar, where they faced a siege with no internet, water, or telephone services. Reports indicated that many were abducted, killed, or injured during the protests.

Protesters’ Demands

The protest in London focused on condemning the violence against peaceful sit-in protesters in Gwadar, Mastung, and Nushki. Participants demanded an end to the Gwadar siege and justice for victims of state-backed terrorism. They called on the international community to take action against the ongoing human rights violations in Balochistan.

Calls for International Intervention

Rally organizers condemned the Pakistani Security forces’ intolerable atrocities and urged that the Pakistan army’s control over Gwadar be lifted to prevent a humanitarian crisis. They requested human rights authorities to take notice of the humanitarian atrocities and hold Pakistan accountable, criticizing the blocking of internet and roads as attempts to hide these atrocities.

Doubts Revealed

Faheem Baloch -: Faheem Baloch is a person who is working to bring attention to the problems faced by people in Balochistan. He is part of a group that wants to help his community.

Baloch National Movement (BNM) -: The Baloch National Movement (BNM) is a group that works to protect the rights and culture of the Baloch people. They want to make sure their voices are heard.

Balochistan -: Balochistan is a region in Pakistan where many Baloch people live. It has faced many problems, including violence and human rights issues.

London Protest -: A London Protest is when people gather in London, the capital city of the United Kingdom, to show their disagreement or concern about something. In this case, they were protesting against the problems in Balochistan.

Human rights violations -: Human rights violations are actions that harm people’s basic rights and freedoms. This can include things like hurting people, taking them away without reason, or not letting them speak freely.

Pakistani defence forces -: Pakistani defence forces are the military and other security groups in Pakistan. They are supposed to protect the country but are sometimes accused of hurting people.

Gwadar, Mastung, and Nushki -: Gwadar, Mastung, and Nushki are places in Balochistan. These areas have seen a lot of violence and problems recently.

International intervention -: International intervention means getting help from other countries or global organizations to solve a problem. People at the protest want other countries to help stop the violence in Balochistan.

Gwadar siege -: The Gwadar siege refers to a situation where the area of Gwadar is surrounded and controlled by military forces, making life difficult for the people living there.

Human rights authorities -: Human rights authorities are organizations or groups that work to protect people’s basic rights and freedoms. They can be from different countries or international groups.

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