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East Turkistan National Movement Stands Firm Against China’s Repression

East Turkistan National Movement Stands Firm Against China’s Repression

East Turkistan National Movement Stands Firm Against China’s Repression

The East Turkistan National Movement (ETNM) has declared that China’s severe repression of Uyghurs in East Turkistan will not deter the region’s quest for independence. Instead, ETNM stated that Beijing’s harsh policies are only strengthening the resolve of the East Turkistani people.

On social media platform X, ETNM asserted, “China’s ruthless Uyghur genocide in occupied East Turkistan will fail to prevent East Turkistan’s independence. Instead, China’s brutal campaign of colonization, genocide, and occupation only fuels the unwavering determination and resilience of the East Turkistani people, strengthening their resolve to reclaim their independence and liberty. East Turkistan will rise again! Independence is inevitable!”

The ETNM, a non-profit organization dedicated to human rights and political advocacy, was established in Washington DC in June 2017 by Salih Hudayar, a Uyghur American consultant and graduate student. East Turkistan is a name used historically, and by many advocacy groups, to refer to the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR).

Reports on human rights violations in Xinjiang highlight a range of severe abuses against Uyghur Muslims and other minority groups. According to investigations by human rights organizations and international media, over one million Uyghurs have been detained in so-called “re-education camps” or “vocational training centres” that the Chinese government describes as measures to combat extremism. Cultural and religious repression is evident through the destruction of Uyghur mosques and cemeteries, as well as restrictions on religious practices.

Recently, in a groundbreaking ruling, the Court of the Citizens of the World (CCW) delivered a verdict against China for its alleged perpetration of genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang (East Turkistan) and Tibet. The tribunal, convened in the Hague, Netherlands, from July 8-12, marked a significant moment in international justice as it addressed accusations of systematic atrocities committed by Beijing.

Representatives of the East Turkistan Government in Exile (ETGE), speaking on behalf of the Uyghur and Tibetan communities, had welcomed the tribunal’s decision as a pivotal step towards accountability. ETGE underscored the historical context of East Turkistan as an area with aspirations of independence, now subjected to what they describe as Beijing’s relentless campaign to suppress dissent and assimilate the region into a unified Chinese nation.

Doubts Revealed

East Turkistan National Movement (ETNM) -: ETNM is a group that wants freedom and rights for the people in East Turkistan, a region in China. They work to stop the bad treatment of Uyghurs, a group of people living there.

China’s repression -: Repression means treating people very harshly and unfairly. In this case, it refers to how China is treating the Uyghur people in East Turkistan.

Uyghurs -: Uyghurs are a group of people who mostly follow Islam and live in East Turkistan, a region in China. They have their own unique culture and language.

Independence -: Independence means being free from control by another country. The people in East Turkistan want to be free from China’s control.

Beijing -: Beijing is the capital city of China. When we say ‘Beijing’ in this context, it means the Chinese government.

Non-profit organization -: A non-profit organization is a group that works to help people and does not aim to make money for itself. ETNM is one such group.

Salih Hudayar -: Salih Hudayar is the person who started the ETNM. He works to help the people of East Turkistan get their rights and freedom.

Washington DC -: Washington DC is the capital city of the United States of America. It is where the ETNM was started.

Human rights -: Human rights are basic rights and freedoms that every person should have, like the right to live freely and be treated fairly.

Political freedom -: Political freedom means being able to choose your leaders and have a say in how your country is run. The people in East Turkistan want this freedom.

Detentions -: Detentions mean being kept in a place, like a jail, without being free to leave. Many Uyghurs are being detained by the Chinese government.

Cultural repression -: Cultural repression means stopping people from practicing their own culture, like their language, religion, and traditions. The Uyghurs are facing this in East Turkistan.
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