East Turkistan Government in Exile Criticizes UN for Downplaying Genocide

East Turkistan Government in Exile Criticizes UN for Downplaying Genocide

East Turkistan Government in Exile Criticizes UN for Downplaying Genocide

The East Turkistan Government in Exile (ETGE) has expressed serious concerns over the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) downplaying the genocide in East Turkistan as ‘problematic policies.’ The ETGE believes this minimizes the severity of China’s ongoing crimes.

ETGE’s Strong Rejection

The ETGE strongly rejects the UN’s attempt to whitewash China’s crimes. They argue that China’s actions in East Turkistan are nothing less than genocide and crimes against humanity.

Statements from ETGE Leaders

Mamtimin Ala, President of the ETGE, stated, ‘The UN’s failure to hold China accountable for its genocidal actions is a direct betrayal of the principles of justice and human rights that the international community is supposed to uphold. By downplaying genocide as mere ‘problematic policies,’ the UN risks legitimizing China’s crimes.’

Salih Hudayar, Foreign Minister of the ETGE, added, ‘We demand immediate and uncompromising action from UN Human Rights Chief Volker Turk and the international community. The Uyghur Genocide must be elevated to the top of the UN Security Council and General Assembly agendas.’

Call for Global Action

The ETGE emphasized that the Chinese government’s actions are recognized as genocide and crimes against humanity by the US government and parliaments of over a dozen Western nations. They call for urgent global action and support for East Turkistan’s legal efforts to demand justice through the International Criminal Court.

Restoration of Independence

The ETGE also demanded the restoration of East Turkistan’s independence, stating it is crucial for safeguarding the freedoms and existence of the Uyghur and other Turkic peoples. They urge the world to take decisive action now, warning that history will judge those who fail to act in the face of genocide.

Doubts Revealed

East Turkistan Government in Exile -: This is a group of people who used to live in East Turkistan but had to leave their home because of problems. They now live in other countries and try to help their people from there.

UN -: The UN, or United Nations, is a group of countries that work together to solve big problems in the world, like wars and hunger.

Genocide -: Genocide is when a group of people is hurt or killed just because of who they are, like their religion or race. It’s a very serious crime.

UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights -: This is a part of the UN that works to make sure everyone in the world is treated fairly and has their rights protected.

Problematic policies -: This means rules or actions by a government that cause problems for people, but it doesn’t sound as serious as genocide.

ETGE President Mamtimin Ala -: Mamtimin Ala is the leader of the East Turkistan Government in Exile. He speaks for the people who had to leave East Turkistan.

Foreign Minister Salih Hudayar -: Salih Hudayar is another important leader in the East Turkistan Government in Exile. He works with other countries to help his people.

China’s crimes against humanity -: This means very bad actions done by the Chinese government that hurt many people, like the Uyghur people in East Turkistan.

Global recognition -: This means that people all over the world know about a problem and agree that it is important.

Uyghur people -: The Uyghur people are a group of people who live in East Turkistan. They have their own language and culture.

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