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Dr. Tejas Doshi’s Mission to Make Bhavnagar Plastic-Free

Dr. Tejas Doshi’s Mission to Make Bhavnagar Plastic-Free

Dr. Tejas Doshi’s Mission to Make Bhavnagar Plastic-Free

Dr. Tejas Doshi, a dedicated physician from Bhavnagar, Gujarat, has been working tirelessly to make his city plastic-free. Inspired by the Swachh Bharat Mission, he has led various environmental projects with great success.

Brand Ambassador for Bhavnagar

In 2019, the Government of India appointed Dr. Doshi as the brand ambassador for Bhavnagar under the Swachh Bharat Mission, recognizing his significant contributions to cleanliness initiatives.

Environmental Projects

No Honking Project

In 2014, Dr. Doshi launched the ‘No Honking Project’, involving 52,000 students from 52 schools. The project aimed to address noise pollution and was a resounding success, eventually involving 1,53,000 students across 153 schools.

Joy of Giving

Dr. Doshi started the ‘Joy of Giving’ project to recycle and reuse old plastic pens. From 2019 to June 2024, he distributed over 11 lakh pens to students in need, reaching more than 3,56,000 students across India and even internationally.

Don’t Cut the Corner

To address plastic waste from milk and buttermilk packets, Dr. Doshi initiated the ‘Don’t Cut the Corner’ campaign, educating over 2.50 lakh students and women in 130 societies about proper disposal methods.

Eco Bricks Campaign

Dr. Doshi’s Eco Bricks campaign encouraged the collection of non-recyclable plastic packets in water bottles. The campaign led to the creation of India’s first Eco-Brick park in Bhavnagar, with 1 lakh 80 thousand bottles collected within a year.

Cotton Bag Project

In 2022, Dr. Doshi launched the Cotton Bag Project, exchanging 50 plastic bags for one cloth bag. This initiative has removed 75 lakh plastic packets from the community and promoted the use of sustainable materials.

Impact and Recognition

Dr. Doshi’s efforts have significantly reduced plastic waste and promoted sustainable living. His projects have received strong support from the Bhavnagar Municipal Corporation and recognition from the Government of India.

Dr. Doshi aims to change people’s habits to adopt an environmentally sustainable lifestyle, aligning with PM Narendra Modi’s Mission LiFE. He believes that the Swachh Bharat Mission will have a lasting impact, helping to gift a new India to the next generation.

Doubts Revealed

Dr. Tejas Doshi -: Dr. Tejas Doshi is a person who is working very hard to make the city of Bhavnagar free from plastic waste. He is like a hero for the environment.

Swachh Bharat Mission -: Swachh Bharat Mission is a big project started by the Indian government to make India clean and free from dirt and garbage. It means ‘Clean India Mission’.

Bhavnagar -: Bhavnagar is a city in the state of Gujarat, India. It is known for its beautiful places and hardworking people.

brand ambassador -: A brand ambassador is a person who represents and promotes a cause or a brand. Dr. Tejas Doshi was chosen to promote the idea of a plastic-free Bhavnagar.

No Honking Project -: The ‘No Honking Project’ is an effort to reduce noise pollution by encouraging people not to honk their car horns unnecessarily.

Joy of Giving -: The ‘Joy of Giving’ is a project that encourages people to share and give to others, making everyone happier.

Don’t Cut the Corner -: The ‘Don’t Cut the Corner’ project teaches people to follow rules and not take shortcuts that can harm the environment or others.

Eco Bricks -: The ‘Eco Bricks’ campaign involves making bricks out of plastic waste, which can be used for building things, helping to reduce plastic pollution.

sustainable living -: Sustainable living means using resources in a way that does not harm the environment and can be continued for a long time. It includes things like recycling and using less plastic.

Government of India -: The Government of India is the group of people who run the country and make important decisions for everyone. They recognized Dr. Tejas Doshi’s good work.
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