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Donald Trump Campaigns in Michigan with Beyonce’s ‘Freedom’ Playing in Background

Donald Trump Campaigns in Michigan with Beyonce’s ‘Freedom’ Playing in Background

Donald Trump Campaigns in Michigan with Beyonce’s ‘Freedom’ Playing in Background

Former US President and 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump held a campaign event in Michigan while the Democratic Party hosted its national convention in Chicago. Trump spoke to voters about law enforcement, border security, and immigration.

A video posted by Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung showed Trump arriving in Michigan, pumping his fists as he walked to his car, with Beyonce’s song ‘Freedom’ playing in the background. This song is often used by Vice President Kamala Harris’ team.

Cheung wrote on social media, ‘Touchdown in Michigan!! @realDonaldTrump,’ and responded with ‘Freedom, freedom!’ when asked about the video. Beyonce has given Harris’ campaign permission to use her song ‘Freedom’ throughout her presidential campaign.

During the Democratic National Convention, a new ad featuring an a cappella version of ‘Freedom’ was unveiled. The Democrats are meeting in Chicago to formally choose Vice President Harris as their nominee for the November 5 presidential election.

Meanwhile, Trump criticized Harris in Howell, Michigan, calling her the ‘most radical left person’ ever considered for high office and warning that she would bring ‘crime, chaos, destruction, and death’ if elected.

Doubts Revealed

Donald Trump -: Donald Trump is a famous person who used to be the President of the United States, which is a big country far away from India.

Campaigns -: Campaigns are events where people who want to be leaders talk to others to get their support and votes.

Michigan -: Michigan is a state in the United States, kind of like how Maharashtra is a state in India.

Beyonce -: Beyonce is a very famous singer from the United States, known for her powerful voice and popular songs.

Freedom -: ‘Freedom’ is a song by Beyonce that talks about being strong and free.

Former US President -: A former US President is someone who used to be the leader of the United States but is not anymore.

2024 Republican presidential nominee -: This means Donald Trump is the person chosen by the Republican Party to try to become President again in the year 2024.

Law enforcement -: Law enforcement means the police and other people who make sure everyone follows the laws.

Border security -: Border security is about making sure the borders of a country are safe and that people enter the country legally.

Immigration -: Immigration is when people move from one country to another to live there.

Steven Cheung -: Steven Cheung is a person who speaks for Donald Trump’s campaign, sharing information and news.

Vice President Kamala Harris -: Kamala Harris is the current Vice President of the United States, which means she is the second-in-command after the President.

Radical left -: Radical left refers to people who have very strong ideas about changing the way the government and society work, usually to make things more equal for everyone.

Chaos -: Chaos means a lot of confusion and disorder, where things are not in control.
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