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Delhi Police Uncover International Organ Transplant Racket Led by Sandeep Arya

Delhi Police Uncover International Organ Transplant Racket Led by Sandeep Arya

Delhi Police Uncover International Organ Transplant Racket Led by Sandeep Arya

New Delhi, July 27: The Delhi Police have uncovered a major organ transplant racket involving 15 arrests, including the mastermind, Sandeep Arya. The racket operated across India and Bangladesh, using fake documents and coaching donors and recipients.

Details of the Racket

The Delhi Crime Branch revealed that the accused had conducted 35 transplants in two hospitals. They created fake letterheads from hospitals in Bangladesh and changed email addresses to deceive authorities. Donors and recipients were trained to answer in Bengali to avoid detection.

Involvement of Hospital Staff

The accused lured a doctor and a translator into the scheme. The translator informed the team about the details prepared, regardless of the patients’ answers. The police are now seeking details from 11 private hospitals and the Bangladesh embassy to verify documents.

Arrests and Ongoing Investigation

Earlier this month, the Delhi Police Crime Branch arrested a doctor and busted the organ transplantation racket. Amit Goel, DCP Crime Branch, stated that seven people were arrested, including a Bangladeshi mastermind and a person named Russell, who arranged patients and donors. The investigation is ongoing as more details emerge.

Doubts Revealed

Delhi Police -: Delhi Police are the police force responsible for maintaining law and order in Delhi, the capital city of India.

International Organ Transplant Racket -: An international organ transplant racket is a group of people involved in illegal activities related to organ transplants, like selling organs without proper permission, across different countries.

Sandeep Arya -: Sandeep Arya is the person who is believed to be the leader or mastermind behind the illegal organ transplant activities.

Fake documents -: Fake documents are papers that are not real or genuine, used to trick people or authorities.

Donors and recipients -: Donors are people who give their organs, and recipients are people who receive those organs.

Private hospitals -: Private hospitals are hospitals that are not run by the government but by private organizations or individuals.

Bangladesh embassy -: The Bangladesh embassy is the office of the Bangladesh government in another country, like India, that helps with official matters.

Translator -: A translator is a person who helps people understand each other by changing spoken or written words from one language to another.
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