Delhi Police Catch Car Thief Istiyak After 2 KM Chase

Delhi Police Catch Car Thief Istiyak After 2 KM Chase

Delhi Police Catch Car Thief Istiyak After 2 KM Chase

New Delhi, September 23: The Delhi police have successfully busted a gang of car thieves, arresting a notorious criminal named Istiyak. He has been involved in over 95 criminal cases, including auto-lifting, theft, and attempt to murder.

Special Police Team Formed

A special project team from various police stations in the West District was formed to trace auto-lifters and stolen vehicles. The team used Smart Monitoring Tools and scrutinized CCTV footage to identify and apprehend the culprits.

The Chase and Arrest

On September 17, the police team laid a trap using CCTV footage. They spotted a white Toyota Fortuner coming from Nisariya Mazid, Seemapuri. After a 2 KM chase, the car stalled, and the police apprehended Istiyak. The car’s number plate was found to be fake, and the vehicle was confirmed stolen from PS Naraina.

Tools and Further Recoveries

Various tools for breaking car locks, including wire cutters and dummy keys, were recovered from the car. Istiyak’s mobile phone, used to contact his associates, was also seized. Based on his confession, five more luxury cars were recovered from different hideouts.

Istiyak’s Criminal History

Istiyak has a long history of criminal activities, including auto-lifting, arms act violations, and attempt to murder. He first went to jail in 2003 for stealing a car’s music system, where he met his associates Wasim and Sikander. Together, they stole cars, changed their number plates, and sold them in different cities.

Ongoing Investigations

The police are conducting raids to apprehend Istiyak’s co-accused, Wasim and Sikander. The investigation is ongoing.

Doubts Revealed

Delhi Police -: Delhi Police are the police force responsible for maintaining law and order in Delhi, the capital city of India.

Istiyak -: Istiyak is the name of the person who was caught by the police. He is known for stealing cars.

2 KM Chase -: A 2 KM chase means the police had to run or drive for 2 kilometers to catch Istiyak.

CCTV footage -: CCTV footage is video recorded by cameras placed in public areas. The police used these videos to find and catch Istiyak.

Toyota Fortuner -: Toyota Fortuner is a type of luxury car that was stolen by Istiyak.

Wasim and Sikander -: Wasim and Sikander are the names of Istiyak’s friends who helped him steal and sell cars.

Further investigations -: Further investigations mean the police are still looking for more information and trying to catch Istiyak’s friends.

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