Delhi Ministers Investigate Illegal Cutting of 1100 Trees in Southern Ridge

Delhi Ministers Investigate Illegal Cutting of 1100 Trees in Southern Ridge

Delhi Ministers Investigate Illegal Cutting of 1100 Trees in Southern Ridge

In New Delhi, a serious issue has arisen involving the illegal cutting of 1100 trees in the Southern Ridge area. To address this, a three-member Fact Finding Committee has been formed. This committee includes Cabinet Ministers Saurabh Bharadwaj, Atishi, and Imran Hussain. They will submit their findings to the Delhi Environment Minister, Gopal Rai.

Illegal Tree Cutting by DDA

The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has been reported to have illegally cut these trees without obtaining the necessary permissions. This act violates the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, and the Delhi Preservation of Trees Act, 1994.

Meetings and Notices

During a meeting on June 26, the Environment and Forest Minister was informed about these violations. Notices were issued to DDA officials, but no concrete action has been taken yet. The Environment Minister directed the Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forest to provide a detailed report by June 27, but it was not received on time.

Formation of the Fact Finding Committee

Given the seriousness of the issue, an all-minister meeting was held on June 29. Environment Minister Gopal Rai, Urban Development Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj, and Food and Supply Minister Imran Hussain attended the meeting, with Public Works Department Minister Atishi joining virtually. After detailed discussions, it was decided to form the Fact Finding Committee to investigate the matter further.

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