Delhi High Court: Calling a Woman a Parasite is an Insult to All Women

Delhi High Court: Calling a Woman a Parasite is an Insult to All Women

Delhi High Court: Calling a Woman a Parasite is an Insult to All Women

New Delhi, India – In a recent judgement, the Delhi High Court dismissed an appeal in a domestic violence case, expressing strong disapproval of derogatory remarks made against women. The court emphasized that calling a woman a parasite is an insult to all women.

Case Background

The case involved a husband who had married another woman and had a daughter with her. The wife, referred to as the Respondent, had been awarded maintenance and compensation by lower courts, which the husband challenged.

Judgement Details

Justice Subramonium Prasad, in a judgement passed on September 10, stated that no woman can tolerate her husband cohabiting with another woman and having a child with her. The court upheld the previous orders, which included a monthly maintenance of Rs. 30,000 and additional compensation for the wife.

Financial Obligations

The husband was directed to pay Rs. 5,00,000 for injuries, mental torture, and emotional distress, along with Rs. 3,00,000 as compensation, including litigation costs. The court noted that the wife being able-bodied does not absolve the husband from his responsibility to provide maintenance.

Marital Issues

The couple, married on March 3, 1998, had two children. The wife alleged that the husband abused her and had an extra-marital affair. She discovered that he had married another woman and had a child with her, leading her to leave the matrimonial home.

Husband’s Financial Status

The husband, who runs a Tent and Decorators business, has a monthly income of around Rs. 2.50 lakh. He owns two cars, a flat in Noida, a warehouse, and is a member of the Noida Golf Club.

Court’s Conclusion

The High Court concluded that the wife’s complaint falls within the scope of the Domestic Violence Act and that her actions were justified given the circumstances.

Doubts Revealed

Delhi High Court -: The Delhi High Court is a big court in Delhi, India, where important legal cases are decided.

Parasite -: A parasite is something that lives off another living thing and harms it. Calling a person a parasite is a very mean insult.

Domestic violence -: Domestic violence means hurting someone in your family, like hitting or being very mean to them.

Derogatory remarks -: Derogatory remarks are very mean and hurtful things said to someone to make them feel bad.

Maintenance -: Maintenance is money that one person has to give to another to help them live, like a husband giving money to his wife after they separate.

Compensation -: Compensation is money given to someone to make up for something bad that happened to them.

Extra-marital affair -: An extra-marital affair is when a married person has a romantic relationship with someone who is not their husband or wife.

Financial resources -: Financial resources mean having money or things that can be used to get money.

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